SPORTS UPDATE -2 March 2021
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 5 Let’s hope that Level 3 Covid restrictions will really soon turn to Level 2 (or 1 or none) and we can play sports again. Term 1 Touch has now been [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 5 Let’s hope that Level 3 Covid restrictions will really soon turn to Level 2 (or 1 or none) and we can play sports again. Term 1 Touch has now been [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa Somewhere between 70 and 80% of our children are engaging in online [...]
HELP needed!! To run school wide activities and programs successfully we need your help!!!! This is how you, whānau, neighbours, uncles, aunts, big brothers and sisters and everyone else can help. NO experience needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou katoa Thank you for your support as we implemented our Level 3 Lockdown. [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 3 A huge thank you to all parents who registered their children for sports in such a tight time frame. Monday was the deadline date to register Torbay teams into different [...]
SUMMER HAS ARRIVED SO……... LET'S BE SUN SMART There is strong evidence showing that excessive exposure to UV radiation during childhood and adolescence is a risk factor for developing skin cancer later in life. [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou katoa It was great to see everyone coming through the gates this morning [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 1 A warm welcome to the 2021 Torbay School’s sports season. We hope that you have had an enjoyable festive break. It is our goal to provide a myriad of sporting [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou I have been wondering what to write in this week's newsletter. It is [...]