IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau Second Place at Mathex - Congratulations to our teams who [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau Second Place at Mathex - Congratulations to our teams who [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau Nathan Wallis On June 20th at 7.30pm Nathan Wallis will [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau Our school has been full of emotion this week as [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau Teacher Only Day We will be holding a Teacher only [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau As you will be aware, on Wednesday the Prime Minister [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau It is a delight to be able to walk around [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau Thank you for your support as our children have returned [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou e te whānau A huge thank you to you all for your support [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa As we head towards the end of the year we are faced [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa I hope this newsletter finds you all well and coping with our [...]