IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou Children at School Please note that children are not expected at school until [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou Children at School Please note that children are not expected at school until [...]
SPORTS UPDATE TERM 2 - WEEK 3 Great to see so many happy, sweaty, but smiley faces after netball, hockey, basketball and flippaball games. The children played very well in all sporting codes and should [...]
Notice of Strike Action Dear Parents and Caregivers, STRIKE ACTION – SCHOOL CLOSED WEDNESDAY 29TH MAY. You will no doubt be aware of the negotiations that have been underway between the Ministry [...]
20 May 2019 Dear Parents/Caregivers, Board of Trustees Elections are coming up. Torbay School operates on staggered election terms. This means that three seats are up for election in June, [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou Pink Shirt Day It’s Pink Shirt Day tomorrow in supporting the prevention of [...]
Tēnā Koutou As many of you will know one of our families experienced a devastating house fire last Friday. Thank you to all those people who have rallied around to help them out in various [...]
SPORTS UPDATE TERM 2 - WEEK 1 It’s been a very busy start to Term 2. The netball teams have started training and are putting our brand new netball court to good use. Our Year [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou A huge welcome to Term 2 at Torbay School. I would especially like to [...]