IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa It is wonderful to see the construction team move in at school [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa It is wonderful to see the construction team move in at school [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 3 Unfortunately we still do not have a clear picture around how the different sporting codes will go about their season. However, yesterday in the late afternoon we did receive 2 [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa Thank you for all your messages of support as we find new [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 1 A warm welcome back to our sporting community. Well who would have thought we would be starting Term 2 in a virtual reality. So here we are in our bubbles, [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa It is important that in times of uncertainty that we as adults [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 7 This term is a grading term for flippaball. Our team is doing amazingly well and have won all of their games so far. Keep up the great work! We are [...]
Torbay School's Exciting New 12 Classroom Development is starting next week! Our new 12 classroom block is scheduled to start next week and be completed by the end of this year. Once our new block [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Tēnā koutou katoa I would like to thank our community for the way in which [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 5 Wow! Time flies - week 5 already and it has been a very busy time in our sporting scene. Our Flippaball team has played 2 games already and is doing [...]