SPORTS UPDATE -13 October 2020
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 1 Welcome to term 4 and ohhhh boy, are we excited to have the sports back!!! Week 1 will see the restart of rippa rugby trainings (during lunch times) in preparation [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 1 Welcome to term 4 and ohhhh boy, are we excited to have the sports back!!! Week 1 will see the restart of rippa rugby trainings (during lunch times) in preparation [...]
9 October 2020 Dear Parents/Caregivers, Board of Trustees Midterm Elections are coming up. Torbay School operates on staggered election terms. This means that two seats are up for election in December. A nomination [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou katoa It is Mental Health Awareness week and reflecting on the very different [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou katoa Māori Language Week, te wiki o te reo Māori, is a government-sponsored initiative [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 9 It feels more like a No-Sports Newsletter! However, regardless of this we have received wonderful news that our bottom field, which is closed half of the year because of mud, [...]
Our building project is on track with the completion date being at the end of Term 1 2021. Once this 12 classroom block has been completed rooms 17 - 23 will be removed from the [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou katoa Thank you for your support with our move back to school under [...]
SPORTS UPDATE WEEK 7 We wish that we had more information to share with you, however, since the Covid situation is ever changing we can only reassure you that all sporting codes are working [...]
Walking to School Next week we are in Level 2. This can mean congestion at our drop of zone and school gates. The best way to avoid this is to join the WALKING SCHOOL BUS. [...]
IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS Torbay School Learning Powers - RIC DEAR PARENTS Tēnā koutou katoa In the last newsletter I was celebrating the return of parents to [...]