Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC


Tena Koutou e te whānau

The first five weeks of school have flown past. The education sector is awash with change as we negotiate our way through the implementation of two new curriculum documents, structured literacy and new approaches to the teaching of mathematics. Overlay this with a visit from Education Review Office in week 5, two staff only days and the usual start of year programme including year 5 and 6 camps you will start to get an idea of the busy start we have had.


Our first Staff only day was designed to introduce and unpack the new Maths curriculum document published late last year. This was a very successful day and will be followed up by 3 more days of PLD with our facilitators working alongside teachers to develop best practice around the delivery of the curriculum. The Ministry as you may be aware have provided two free resources for us to use to support the curriculum. In years 1 -3 we will be using the Numicon resource and in Years 4 – 6 we will be using Prime Maths.

We have chosen Numicon because it is a materials-based resource that fits well with our play-based learning philosophy in our early years classrooms. The Prime resource is more book and online focused and we feel it is more suitable for our Senior children.


Our second staff only day was focused on the teaching of writing through poetry. This was a very successful day and has been followed up by two PLD days with Louise Dempsey our facilitator modelling best practice in this area of the curriculum. Louise will be back early next term to observe our teacher’s practice. This PLD is school funded and sits outside of the Ministry initiatives.

Structured Literacy

Last Year we introduced Best Start Literacy Approach (BSLA) in our year 1 and 2 classrooms. This structured literacy programme is currently being imbedded in Tiritiri and Rangitoto and has now been introduced to years 3 and 4. This phonetical approach to teaching reading will be used in our junior school. We are also training our year 4 teachers so that they are familiar with the programme and can use it if required in their classrooms.

We have applied to be accepted into the Grow, Structured Literacy programme for our Senior School. We are still waiting for Ministry approval and funding for this programme which we hope to receive within the next two weeks. The Grow programme will build on the skills developed in the BSLA programme in our junior classes and will be delivered by Louise Dempsey who is already working with the school.


While the new curriculums have been published and released, assessment procedures for them are not yet available. We have also not been supplied with the resources for Numicon Maths and so we have decided that we will continue to assess against the current New Zealand Curriculum using our existing assessment tools. This is in line with ministry guidelines as this year is being treated as a transition year and will give our staff certainty around expectations for the year.

We will use this year to unpack and familiarise ourselves with the new curriculum and resources. Hopefully the ministry will have the new assessment tools developed for the start of next year and we can fully embrace the new curriculum and relevant assessment tools.

School Pool

Last year the PTA worked extremely hard to raise funds to heat the school swimming pool. I had hoped and stated that we could achieve that by the end of last year. Unfortunately, our focus has had to be on the numerous changes introduced by the government, completing the garden project and the new staff toilets so unfortunately, I have not achieved that goal. The Property division of the Ministry has also had its own challenges and there has been delays in getting approval for other projects such as our badly needed new staff toilets this has now been granted, and we have nearly completed this project.

I now have the capacity to start work on the pool heating project which I hope will be completed in the not-too-distant future.

New Sports Uniform

Sizing samples of our new sports tops are now in store a NZ Uniforms. You are able to pre order for stock expected in early term 2. You will be able to continue using the old uniforms until such time as your child grows out of it and so our teams may look like a patchwork quilt for a while. Please see ordering details elsewhere in the newsletter.

Lunar New Year

What a wonderful week of celebration. The weeklong event gave our children a real taste of another culture, especially as they experienced the making and eating of dumplings. I would like to thank all the parents who came in and helped with the activities that every child in the school rotated through. I would also like to thank the PTA for initiating and supporting the event and I would also like to especially thank Ms Susan Ye and Mrs Tori Hohaia-Gibbons for their tireless work in bringing the event together. We look forward to more culturally based events celebrating the various cultures represented in our school.

 Senior Swimming Sports

Congratulations to all those students who competed in the annual senior swimming sports. This was another wonderful inclusive event where all children regardless of their ability got a chance to take part. Congratulations to those that gained places in their races and to those who will represent the school at the interschool event later this year.

Staff Only Days.

Thankyou for supporting our staff only days and finding alternative care for your children on those days. They have both been very valuable learning opportunities for our staff and I am very pleased to have held them so early in the year. This will mean that your children will feel the benefit of the skills that our teachers and learning assistants have developed on these days.

Education Review Office

Two Evaluation Partners spent 2 days with us last week completing a review of the school looking at teaching and learning and an endless list of compliance criteria. The ERO team left after two days of intense scrutiny providing us with some great positive feedback about what we do here at Torbay School and helped us co-construct some goals for the coming year.

Year 5 and 6 Camps

Our year 6 camp goes out on Monday to Carey Park. This is a tried and trusted venue that provides a great environment for a wide range of EOTC activities. I know the children will enjoy themselves and I thank the Parents and Staff who are part of the camp for all they are doing to ensure the children have a wonderful experience. The Waiheke Camp follows on in week 9 at Shakespear Park on the Hibiscus Coast, similarly I thank all the staff and volunteers that make this camp possible.

Phones and Smart Watches.

If your child brings a phone or smart watch to school please ensure that they know to hand them in to the office at the beginning of the day. We have always had this system at Torbay School and now it is legislation and must be done. Please take the time to talk to your children about this matter.

Important dates for term 1 include:

Rakino Camp                                                17th – 19th March

Motuihe Camp Meeting                              26th March 6pm

Class Photos                                                 27th March

Pie Day                                                           28th March

Waiheke Camp                                             31st March – 4th April

Board Meeting                                             2nd April

Inter-School Swimming                             10th April

End of Term 1                                               11th April

I thank you for your continued support of everything we do at School and remind you that I am available to discuss any topic relating to school.

Nga mihi nui

Gary O’Brien



KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Kyron Rm 7, Calum Rm 26, Emma, Harry and  Yuvana Keep up the good work! 

CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Madison, Lucas, Reuben & Lydia Rm 3 & 4, Kaydn and Logan Rm 5, Haoyuan & Jameson Rm 6, Noah and Mia B Rm 7, Ava S and Jack G Rm 8, Lucy, Coby, Madison & Reeve Rm 9 & 10, Lucy, Cid, Xin Tong & Bowie Rm 13 & 14, Eliza, Hector 15 & 16, Max, Lucca, Lucy & Leon Rm 17 & 18, Eddie, Samantha, Amanda & Isabella Rm 19 & 20, Mason Evelyn, Freya & Alex Rm 21 & 22, Michael, Yvonne, Odelia & Joshua Rm 23 & 24, Bowen, Ray Leo & Handre Rm 25 & 26, Emma, Diederik, Jihoo & Charl Rm 27 & 28   Well done!!

RICC REWARDS, for displaying our C.A.R.E Values – Ollie C Rm 24,  Alice Rm 17, Ida Rm 28, Jack Rm 28, Harper W Rm 7, Lucas Rm 3, Michelle Rm 3, Bria Rm 6 Ka pai!

Student News 



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