Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā Koutou e te whānau
I would like to thank you for your messages of support following cyclone Gabrielle. It was disappointing that we had to close the school for two days so early in the term, however from a safety point of view we had little option. Our school has settled back into stride and our programmes are well underway for the year.
Strike Day
I would also like to thank you for the messages of support we have received as we head into our strike day on the 16th of March. We recognise how much of an inconvenience this is to parents, however we believe that this action is essential to try to persuade the government to fund education adequately. Aside from the cost of living issues that most people are currently facing our teachers need time to prepare to teach so that they can provide quality programmes. Our leaders also need the time and resources to lead adequately. The inequities between the primary and secondary sector are stark and I encourage you write to politicians on both sides of the house to implore them to put children first and provide schools with adequate staffing to enable us to provide a high-quality education for your children.
We thank you for your support on Thursday and hope that the government will come much further to meet our demands.
Our EOTC camps are terrific events that provide students, teachers and children with lifelong memories. Our Year 6 Rakino team took part in their camp at Carey park last week and from my observations had a fabulous time. Congratulations to the children on their behaviour and attitudes while on camp, giving all the activities a try and facing every challenge they could. Thank you to the parent helpers who attended camp, without you the event doesn’t happen, I hope you have taken some great memories away with you.
I would also like to thank our staff for the enormous amount of time they put into our school camps. We have three camps going out this term and each of them takes significant contribution of time and resource by Teachers, Team Leaders, Admin staff and Management to ensure they go ahead and run smoothly.
Car Parks
Our Deep Creek Rd carpark will no longer be available for drop off and pick up in the mornings and afternoon. We have been monitoring the carpark over the last couple of weeks and have decided that it is unsafe to use it both as a pedestrian access and a carpark. It is also hazardous for cars to crossing the pavement to exit and enter the carpark at such busy times of the day.
The deep Creek Carpark will in future be used as a visitors carpark only, this includes parents who are visiting during the day between 9.15am and 2.30pm for any reason. The Carpark entrance will be closed between 8.30am and 9.15am in the mornings and again at 2.30pm – 3.15pm in the afternoon.
Signage will be erected soon to indicate these restrictions.
I would also like to remind you that the Alexander Ave carpark is strictly for staff use only unless you require the use of one of our three accessible carparks.
I would like to re-emphasise that children who wear bike pants under their black skirts or shorts should only wear black bike pants.
Please also be aware that our second hand uniform shop is open every Thursday before school and operates out of the hall kitchen. Thank you to Jenny Southward for staffing this shop every Thursday.
Staff only Day
As indicated in previous newsletters we will be holding a staff only day on the 1st of May in Week 2 of Term 2.
This staff only day has been given to us to support the programme of work to revitalise the New Zealand Curriculum and we have secured a key facilitator to deliver this programme to our staff.
We were provided a two-week window to hold this staff only day and many schools have chosen to hold it the week before on the day between the school holidays and ANZAC day. While this may have been the most convenient day to hold our Staff Only Day it became obvious that it would be impossible to secure facilitators for that day as demand was so high. We had a specific purpose in mind for the day and facilitator we wanted to deliver it.
This is why we have decided to use the 1st of May.
Car Wash
Finally, I would like to give a shout out to a group of our parents and children who ran a car wash fundraiser last weekend. This idea was initiated by the children and supported by their parents. The children were responding to the devastation experienced by people in the wake of cyclone Gabrielle. Congratulations to all those involved this action is a perfect display of our CARE values. See pictures later in our newsletter.
Thank you all for your continued support and please do not hesitate to contact me on any subject.
Nga mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Millie O’Brien Rm & Mitchell Elrick Rm9, Hannah & Quinn Rm5, Norris & Aidan Rm6 Awesome work!
MEETINGS – The next BOT Meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd March @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on Thursday from 8:30am-8:55am just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition Torbay School or sport uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
HATS & SUNBLOCK- Hats are compulsory in Term 1 for students to play outside in the playground. Please ensure all hats are named. New school hats are available from Janbells, Mairangi Bay and the school office. As the weather heats up this summer, please remember to sunblock your children every morning. Thanks for your support of being Sun Safe.
Y5/ 6 Senior Swim Swimming Carnival – Tuesday 21st March
Y4 Camp – Monday 27th March
Y5 Water Confidence – Monday 3rd April
Last Day of Term – Thursday 6th April
You can do this by one of the following:
- Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
- Email:
- Website: Report an Absence form. Click here
HEALTH ROOM: Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health. We have had a number of recent cases of tummy bugs reported. Please remind your children the importance of washing their hands before eating and after using the bathroom to help prevent the spread.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- SORE THROATS: If your child has a sore throat, please keep them at home. For more information click here
- COUGHS & COLDS: If your child has a cough and or a cold please keep your child at home. For more information click on the links coughs and colds .
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
- COVID: If your child is displaying signs or symptoms of Covid 19, please stay home and get tested. Click here for more information. If you are a household contact you must be symptom free and test daily before coming to school.
Thank you to all the students that took part in the Cyclone Gabrielle Car Wash Fundraiser.
We lost track of how many cars they washed! They all had a lot of fun and are so happy to have raised funds for such an important course.
The final total is $610.41 after a few last minute donations today. Ka Pai!
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