Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā Koutou e te whānau
It is wonderful to experience the warmer weather we are having that gives us more opportunities to get outside the classroom and broaden our curriculum. Thank you to all those parents that make our Waterwise and Garden to Table programmes operate. These opportunities to learn are valued highly at Torbay and without the parent support we get they would not be possible to run.
I am also pleased that our school pool will open shortly. Our changing sheds and surrounds of the pool have been spruced up with new paint and other maintenance work and we look forward to a summer of fun in the pool. We thank the PTA for helping to fund this upgrade. We are currently waiting for a part to arrive that is essential for the running of the pool, therefore, we do not have an exact opening date, however, pool keys will go on sale on Tuesday the 15th November via Kindo so you will be able to secure your key and we will advise key holders when they will be available to collect from the school office.
On Tuesday evening we held our annual BYOC (Bring Your Own Chromebook) evening for our parents with children moving into year 4. We combined this evening with a presentation on Linewize, our new cyber security platform. This package not only assists us at school to help protect your children from risk while online but also provides you with an app so that you can monitor your children’s activity while on home devices. These are powerful tools that are well supported, and we recommend you investigate the Linewize website. Please see the Linewize flyer that your children will bring home today and particularly explore the benefits of downloading the parent app.
For more information on Linewize go to
I would like to emphasise the importance of enrolling your children now for next year. Our enrolment process has been streamlined and can now be accessed via our website and completed online. Please enrol your children so that we can accurately plan for next year. Please also encourage any friends that may be enrolling children for the first time to do so as soon as possible.
At the beginning of this year, we changed our approach to student leadership and did not appoint leaders in the same way that we have in the past. It has been great to see children grow into leadership during the year and seeing a range of children taking on a variety of responsibilities around the school. I like to think of leadership at this young age as taking on responsibilities and being of service to others such as our sports monitors, our librarians and crossing monitors. As time goes on we will develop other responsibilities and give other children the opportunity to lead or help the school.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter.
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Cooper, Grace, Johandre, Oliver S, Mila, Ella Rm 1, Nathan G, Joseph R-B, Aria, Maitena, Harrison, Sienna Rm 2, Charneli, Jackson, Jesse, Ella W, Maddy, Levi Rm 3, Indy J, Naomi, Amelie, Ray, Daniel, Leandri Rm 4, Emma Z, Daniel L, Jasper Y, Kosta B, Ella, Ida Rm 5, Alfie, Seren, Theo G, Chris W, Nienke, Emiliano Rm 6, Ashton, Liam, Kezia, Juliet, Indiana, Tristan Rm 7, Yulia, Yu-An, Easen, Eliza, Bella, Louis Rm 8, Ollie, Ellie, Keagan, Caue, Aya, Viyan Rm 9, Lucca, Declan, Milla, Savannah, Lilly, William Rm 10, Flynn, Oliver, Isobel C, Ella, Edward, Elijah Rm 11, Isabel, Wolf, Mia, Lucas, Jamie, Otis Rm 12, Isaac, Imogen, Isla, Miles, Ares, Freddie Rm 13, Iseo, Brody, Scott, Everett, Eddie, Jacob Rm 14, Joel M, Kenzie H, Harry, Enoch, Elsa, Connor Rm 15, Lauren, Cara, Adi E-S, Charlie D, Jack, Emily Rm 16, Benji B, Luca J, Reeve B, Makaia, Theo, William Rm 17, Caitlyn, Mia D, Claire J, Esmee, Gary, Jacob Rm 18, Erin, Avleen, Yolanda, Hayden, Flynn, Laine Rm 19, Tia, Yoyo, Nate, Edith, Evan, Lily Rm 20, Anine, Mourad, Derek, Roseleen, Joshua, Tom Rm 21, Larissa, Ethan, Hunter, Anna, Ivey, Jack Rm 22, Zachary, Anthony, Blair, Amelie Rm 23, Michelle H, Michaela D, Toma, Nadia, Cruze, Isabella Rm 24, Tyler, Mackenzie, Angela, Ashton W, Ava A, Paige, Sophie D Rm 25, Jihwan, Capri, Billie, Regardt, Fiona, Jayden Rm 26, Alesha, Bill, Donna, Izzy S, Denham, Amelie Rm 27 Well done!!
RICC REWARDS, for displaying our C.A.R.E Values – Maddie, Jesse Rm 3, Cooper Rm 2, Bella, Norris, Ross Rm 4, Nicole Rm 5, Indi, Evie, Ollie Rm 7, Milla Rm 10, Izzy Rm 14, Rhys Rm 17, Caitlyn, Tilly Rm 18, Violet Rm 19, Lottie, Zahara Rm 20, Anna Rm 22, Sienna, Bianca Rm 25, Evie V Rm 26, Zachary Rm 27 Ka pai!
KA RAWE AWARDS, For using Te Reo Māori at school – Ella Rm 1, Talon, Peyton H Rm 3, Brodie Rm 4, Coby Rm 5, Teo Rm 6, Keira, Freddie, Rm 13, Adi Rm 16, Violet, Ethan Rm 19, Evan Rm 20, Ruby, Lucy Rm 21, Jake, Jaxon, Hao Rm 22, Jagger Rm 23 Tino pai!
CONGRATULATIONS to the Year 5 TORBAY BALBOA’s Basketball team – Louis, Xavier, Rhys, Jagger, Toby, Lewis, Brooke and Ari and subs Luca & Tom who were invited to play at Spark Arena to play the curtain raiser game and create the fan tunnel on court for the NZ Breakers (30th Oct) and also got to sit courtside while the NZ Breakers warmed up. It was an amazing experience for the children and a great opportunity for them and their families to join in the experience along with their coaches Campbell and Kim.
MEETINGS – The next BOT Meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th November (note date change) @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 21st November at 9.15am in the Staffroom. The next PTA Meeting will be held on Tuesday 29th November @ 7pm in the Staffroom. If you wish to join the PTA they are always looking for new members so for more details please email
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – These will go on sale to our school community on Tuesday 15th, November Cost: $105.00 hire plus $20 refundable key bond (Total $125) NOTE: These will only be able to be purchased through our online shop (Kindo) under the miscellaneous tab. You will be contacted via email when the keys are ready to collect from the office. Sorry, no waiting list for keys and no keys will be issued until the pool contract is completed and paid for via Kindo. We only have a limited number of keys available for sale, therefore don’t delay purchasing to avoid disappointment.
SENIOR ATHLETICS DAY – On Monday 14th November we will hold our Senior Athletics Day. This will be for all of the Year 4-6 students to participate in. This year we will be going to Deep Creek Reserve. Please ensure you check the notice that was sent home so you know what to bring/wear on the day. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Renee Heasley (
CELEBRATION OF LEARNING AWARDS ASSEMBLY – WEDNESDAY 7TH DECEMBER Awards assembly will be held in the School Hall and more information will come home in due course. Due to capacity reasons only parents/caregivers of children receiving special awards will be invited to attend this event.
YEAR 6 GRADUATION EVENING, THURSDAY 15th DECEMBER – Year 6 Graduation will be held on Thursday 15th December in the School Hall. Invitations will come home with more information in due course. Please note: Due to capacity reasons only Year 6 students and their parents are invited. If you have any queries please contact Glenys Harwood
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on Thursday 24th November from 8:30am-8:55am just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition Torbay School or sport uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
PARENT HELP NEEDED – Can you help? Do you have some time to spare and would like to help the school? We would love a few parents to help with prepping library books and putting away resources. If you are available for a couple of hours during the day, please let us know at the school office. Thanks!
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – (ISSUE 7) Lucky book club orders have closed and will be sent home with your child (if you have ordered) once they arrive. ISSUE 8 – Flyers will come home sometime next week and will close on Friday 25th November @ 3pm. Please note we no longer take cash orders at the office, all orders must be done via the Lucky Book Club LOOP. This can easily be done online via the LOOP. Every order helps the School get valuable resources for our Library. Thank you!
2023 ENROLMENTS – If your child, or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone, and they are turning 5 next year, please urgently complete an online enrolment application available from our website.
HATS & SUNBLOCK- Hats are compulsory in Term 4 for students to play outside in the playground. Please ensure all hats are named. New school hats are available from Janbells, Mairangi Bay and the school office. As the weather heats up this summer, please remember to sunblock your children every morning. Thanks for your support of being Sun Safe.
OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS – We have a number of overdue library books. If you have any school library books at home please send these in with your child as soon as possible. Thank you.
JOIN US AT THE BROWNS BAY SANTA PARADE – Saturday 3rd December meet at 4.30pm for a 5pm start. A flyer was sent home via Seesaw on Friday 4th Nov. Check that flyer out for all the details. More information will come home in due course if you wish to join the parade! We hope to have as many Torbay School families walking in the parade with us. If you would like to help in any way, please email Melissa Craig at
Y6 WATERWISE – Started on Friday 28th October and will continue until Friday 9th December (weather dependent).
WHEELS DAY Y1-5 – Bring along your scooters, skateboards, roller skates or roller blades (Sorry, NO BIKES). You can bring your wheels but will only be allowed to ride if you are wearing a helmet and shoes. Please make sure your child’s wheels are named. Your wheels can only be ridden on the top court by the swimming pool. They can’t be ridden at morning tea or before school. Come along and join the fun
You can do this by one of the following:
- Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
- Email:
- Website: Report an Absence form. Click here
HEALTH ROOM: Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health. We have had a number of recent cases of tummy bugs reported. Please remind your children the importance of washing their hands before eating and after using the bathroom to help prevent the spread.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- SORE THROATS: If your child has a sore throat, please keep them at home. For more information click here
- COUGHS & COLDS: If your child has a cough and or a cold please keep your child at home. For more information click on the links coughs and colds .
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
- COVID: If your child is displaying signs or symptoms of Covid 19, please stay home and get tested. Click here for more information. If you are a household contact you must be symptom free and test daily before coming to school.
- DROP down on your hands and knees. This protects you from falling but lets you move if you need to.
- COVER your head and neck (or your entire body if possible) under a sturdy table or desk (if it is within a few steps of you).
- HOLD on to your shelter (or your position to protect your head and neck) until the shaking stops. If the shaking shifts your shelter around, move with it.
If there is no shelter nearby, or you are outside, DROP down on your hands and knees and COVER your head and neck with your arms and hands, and HOLD on. If you are unable to drop, brace yourself in a chair or wheelchair (lock your wheels) and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.
Floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, and landslides can be
frightening because they strike at any time and often without warning. Here is a link to explore the types of emergencies and learn better ways to prepare.
Chapter One:
The Lonely dragon
One stormy night there was an abandoned little night fury. She has orange scales and green eyes. The tips of her ears were green too, her under belly was black and the tips of her tail were black too. Her name was Pumpkin . She was a asleep in a box all alone. Until lightning struck the box. Pumpkin opened her eyes immediately and ran out right away, scared. That was her only home she had nowhere else to go. She felt super sad tears fell down her face. Suddenly a dragon with red pupils, black eyes and body all black walked towards her. Pumpkin was super little and gets spooked easily. The scary dragon jumped at Pumpkin. Luckily Pumpkin
flew into the air just in time. Pumpkin flew away shivering in the cold rainy night. All of a sudden lightning was striking right by her and Pumpkin gave out a tiny roar out each time. Then lightning was perfectly in line with Pumpkin and shot her! Pumpkin looked up as it shot her. She fell down and rolled into a canyon. A dragon saw her come down she trotted towards Pumpkin. The dragon tilted her head with confusion. Pumpkin had rolled into a thorn bush! And there was a huge scratch on her paw.
Chapter two:
Pumpkin Meets A Friend
“H-hello?” Said the dragon that saw her rolling down the canyon. Pumpkin opened her eyes slowly . “Uhhh, hi?” Said Pumpkin, “Who are you?” The dragon opened her mouth and said, “I’m Spooks. What’s your name?” “I’m Pumpkin!” She answered. Spooks looked at Pumpkin’s paw and saw the huge scratch, “Oh no!”
Myra (Year 3) has written 5 chapters