Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou e te whānau
Our school has been full of emotion this week as we woke on Wednesday to the very sad news of Hollie Beattie’s passing. Hollie was a member of our year 5 Waiheke Whānau and had been battling cancer for the past 4 years. We will miss Hollie dearly and many of us will have wonderful memories of a young girl who continued to smile despite the massive challenges she was facing.
Words from the Waiheke Whānau:
Our hearts have been heavy this week and it was with immense sadness that we received the news that Hollie Beattie had passed away.
Hollie was one of a kind and truly shines bright in our memories of how brave, kind, and resilient she was. She took with her such a vibrancy and love with her no matter where she went. Her fight brought our community together even more and united us through love and hope.
We are so grateful that we were a part of her life and she was and will always be ‘our kid’. No matter what she was going through and how hard she was fighting she always wanted to be at school taking part in what we were doing. This included the determination that she had in participating in the whole of Year 5 camp in March this year. She was not going to let her illness rob her of that opportunity!
She loved her friends fiercely, and they loved her back. I know that they will now carry her wherever they go in life. In time the thoughts of Hollie will no longer make their hearts break, but will radiate with the joy in their mutual experiences and they will remember all of the laughter and love they shared.
Jo, John, and William we hold you so close at this time of your grief and forever more. You will always be part of our whānau and we will always be here for you. Words cannot express how heartbroken we are for you all, but do know that we stand with you in your grief. We want to thank you for being so gracious in openly sharing your journey with us. We know that at times this has been difficult to share but we hope that you have felt our love throughout the years and continue to feel it in the years to come.
We will hold you in our hearts forever Hollie, as you are with us always. Fly high wee girl, we love you.
From the Hollie fundraising day team.
“Whether they be children or adults Hollie touched the hearts of many people within the school and our school community. Her smile and aroha was seen right from when she began school here at 5. She became a friend and buddy and enjoyed taking part in so much of our school life.
Hollie was kind and caring towards others both big and small. Her bravery and resilience showed through on many occasions, one being our Hollie Fundraising Day. Although she was undergoing chemotherapy at the time, she bounced in all dressed up part way through the day and took part in all the activities supported by her friends.
Whether it was in Spain, in hospital or at home supported by mum and dad she continued to be part of our school life in so many ways and was even able to join the Year 5’s at camp this year.”
Hollie, her parents Jo and John and her big brother William have shown so much resilience, determination and aroha in a battle that left no stone unturned. Our thoughts are with the Beattie family and our memories of a beautiful, happy young girl will remain.
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
EARLY CLOSURE ON TUESDAY 10TH MAY – School will close at 2.30pm on this day. We will maintain our staggered release of students. Our year 1 and 2 children will finish school at 2.25pm and our year 3 – 6 children will be released at 2.30pm. We apologise for the short notice and hope that you can make arrangements to accommodate this early closure. All children who cannot be collected early or who need to catch the bus will be cared for in the hall until 3pm. If you are unable to collect your child/re early please your child’s teacher know asap and what they must do at 3pm i.e walk home, catch bus or collecting child from the gate.
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th May @ 7pm. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd May @ 9.15am (**PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE**) in the staffroom.
TEACHER ONLY DAY MONDAY 20TH JUNE – School will be closed for all learners on this day. Fun Club will be open, please contact Fun Club direct to book in.
NATHAN WALLIS – MONDAY 20TH JUNE 7.30pm – 9pm. This event will be held in the School Hall. Tickets are now on sale via Eventfinda click here to purchase tickets. See flyer below.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 3 – Lucky Book Club Order Forms have gone home. Closing date for orders is Friday 20th May at 3pm. Every order helps the School get valuable resources for our Library. May is National Family Reading Month and a fantastic time for students to READ MORE IN MAY! Check out the fun reading log on the back page of your catalogue, and make sure you take the challenge for the chance to WIN book packs!
Get $5 off today to celebrate National Family Reading Month – To kick-off this exciting issue, Scholastic would have emailed parents registered with LOOP $5 off when they use promo code READEVERYDAY. Valid on Issue 3 orders placed before midnight, Friday 6 May*, minimum spend $25.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE UPDATE – Hoodies have been slightly delayed and they should be in next week. Once they arrive they will be given to your child to bring home.
SCHOOL DONATIONS – A reminder that if you are paying off your annual donation – instalment 2 was due on the first day of term.
Donation (1 child) $45 per instalment
Donation (2 children) $80 per instalment
Donation (3 or more children) $107.50 per instalment.
Electronic statements have been sent out showing any unpaid amount on your account (the system automatically sends these with the email subject line of Request for Payment). This is a chance to check that our records agree with yours. Please contact if you have any queries.
ENROLMENTS 2022/23 – If your child, (or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone) and is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
CHANGE OF DETAILS – If you have moved house or have new contact details, or if your child has a new medical condition or older issues which have changed or are no longer a problem, please advise us so we can update our records.
ROAD SAFETY WEEK – takes place from 9 – 15 May. The theme of Road Safety Week 2022 is ROAD SAFETY HEROES, celebrating the heroic work of road safety professionals, and explaining how we can all play a part in making journeys safer for everyone.
Everyone can be a road safety hero. Road Safety Week 2022 celebrates the professionals who are working to make roads safer for everyone – from designing safer roads to caring for people after a crash. It also enables everyone who uses roads to understand how they can take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others. For more information on this please click here.
SCHOOL ABSENCES – Please remember to contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
You can do this by one of the following:
Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
Website: Report an Absence form. Click here
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – TUESDAY 7th JUNE 2022 PhotoLife will be visiting our school on Tuesday 7th June. Every child will be photographed individually and in their class group. When photos are ready for printing, students will bring home their own unique shoot key. Simply follow the steps to view and purchase your photos. Sibling photo request forms will be available from the office in the next few weeks. Please complete ONE form for EACH family and return to school before photo day.
WET WEATHER – As winter approaches and the rain sets in, we know plans can change for collecting your child/ren from school if it rains. If your child walks home or meets you at another location but this changes because it rains we would appreciate you talking to your child/ren about having a wet weather alternative before it is needed. This provides less interruptions for their classroom if your plan has changed due to the weather. However, if you have sudden or unforeseen changes to pick ups or an urgent message please contact the school office.
If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- SORE THROATS: If your child has a sore throat, please keep them at home. For more information click here
- COUGHS & COLDS: If your child has a cough and or a cold please keep your child at home. For more information click on the links coughs and colds .
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
- COVID: If your child is displaying signs or symptoms of Covid 19, please stay home and get tested. Click here for more information.
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.
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