Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou e te whānau
Teacher Only Day
We will be holding a Teacher only day next term on Monday the 20th of June. This is the first Teacher Only Day of this year. Our staff will be involved in an all-day workshop with Nathan Wallis as we build our knowledge of the neuroscience behind learning and behaviour.
Following the TOD Nathan will be holding a public workshop. Nathan’s presentation will focus on the social/emotional aspects of brain development and how feelings impact our thinking. Please see the flyer later in this newsletter for more details and how to book.
This event was postponed last year, and those people who have already booked and paid will receive an email offering you a transfer of tickets to the new date or the opportunity for a refund.
Whānau Rakino Camp
Last week saw Rakino out on their EOTC three day camp at Carey Park. I want to commend the exceptional work of Vanessa Mitschak and the Rakino Team for making this camp possible. A tremendous amount of extra work and thought went into ensuring the children and parents were well prepared and that the risk of covid transmission at the camp was minimised. A huge thank you to Glenys Harwood our Deputy Principal for her work in maintaining oversight of the camp and playing a key role in the organisation and management.
I would like to also thank the exceptional group of parents who attended the camp. They were outstanding in their support of the children and the activities. In addition to the work they carried out over the three days they also underwent a rapid antigen test prior to going to camp to ensure the children’s safety.
Our camps do not happen without a great deal of behind the scenes work that is often carried out by our magnificent administration staff. This workload was considerably more given the circumstances and I applaud their tireless energy and attention to detail.
Despite having a small outbreak of Covid as a result of the camp the children had a fabulous experience and had the opportunity to build lifelong memories. I am very proud that in a time when it would have been too easy to not go we decided to go ahead. We as staff learn something new from every camp and I look forward to the Year 4 camp in Week 2 of Term 2.
Great job everyone involved.
Over the last few weeks, we have been running a Wero (Challenge) for our children to create a video explaining the Hā mamao. If you are uncertain what this is see below under ‘Student Voice’ or follow the link to our website to see the winners of this Wero Hā mamao Wero!
Term 2
We look forward to next term with a heightened level of anticipation as the Government has signaled a further move back to normality. As in my recent communications we will maintain our protocols for the first two weeks of Term 2. This will give us and you certainty for that period. We will contact you with any changes, particularly around mask wearing, prior to our return to school.
Thank you
I can’t thank you enough for your support and encouragement through one of the more difficult periods in this pandemic. Your emails of support and chats at the gate have been of immense value. Your support of our staff has been valued and your support of our processes and protocols has been fantastic, making our job possible.
I also can’t thank our staff enough for the wonderful response to a situation we least expected. Their ability to pivot, adapt, improvise and at the same time maintaining high standards has been outstanding. We have a wonderful group of professionals working right across our school and I value them greatly.
Mostly I want to thank our children for the positive mindset they bring to school and the delight they give us on a daily basis.
I wish you all a happy Easter, a safe holiday and look forward to seeing everybody in the new term.
Please do not hesitate to contact on any matter. My email address
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Ella, Talon, Jesse, Zion Rm 3, Jack, Fleur, Ludwig, Daniel, Indy J, Brodie Rm 4, Jasper, Daniel, Madison, Nicole, James, Rohann Rm 5, Luca, Piper, Yara, Emiliano, Teo, Alfie Rm 6 Amelie, Lea, Harley, Evie, Jasper, Lachlan Rm 7, Eliza, Easen S, Taylor, Sofia, Zoe, Liam Rm 8, Myra, Eva, Kelly-Rae, Leni Rm 9, Vainga, Payton, Michael, Lilly, Milla, Alyza Rm 10, Rory, Adam, Sophie, Cooper, Amanda, Skyler Rm 12, Otis, Imogen, Jackson, Coby, Jacob, Evelyn Rm 13, Maia, Kayden, Eddie, Lily, Isaac, Bella Rm 14, Miah, Elvis, Connor, Jasmine, Connor, Amelia Rm 15, Dylan, Lauren, Adi, Maddie, Freya, Alex, Samantha Rm 16, Reeve, Theo, Stig, Enya, Alex, Michael, Maggie Rm 17, Esmee, Tyler M, Gary, Mia, Hudson Rm 18, Laine, Daniel, Harley, Erin Rm 19, Neva, William, Archer, William Rm 20, Delilah, Tom, Alex, Zoe Ava, Julia Rm 21, Liam, Ryan, Hao, Samantha, Jake, Lucas Rm 22, Eddie, Kaitlyn, Jagger, Luca C, Thomas, Brooke, Rm 23, Toma, Nathan, Viggo, Isabella, Quin, Sienna C Rm 24, Enoch, Olivia, Cooper R, Paige Rm 25, Dylan, Evie R, Jack, Tristan Rm 26 Barry, Baxter, Bianca K, Finn M Rm 27 Ka pai!!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th May @ 7pm. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 16th May @ 9.15am in the staffroom. The next PTA Meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th May @ 7.30pm in the School Hall, new members welcome to attend.
TEACHER ONLY DAY MONDAY 20TH JUNE – School will be closed for all learners on this day. Fun Club will be open, please contact Fun Club direct to book in.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE – Hoodies have been ordered. Once they arrive they will be given to your child to bring home. This should be early in Term 2.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 2 – Lucky Book Club Orders have gone home with your child. If an item was not supplied and has been placed on backorder, Scholastic has advised that all backorders will now not be sent until the first week of Term 2. They have apologised for the inconvenience.
YEAR 6 CAMP, THANK YOU – Last week the Year 6 students from Whānau Rakino had an excellent 3 days of excitement and adventure at Carey Park Camp. We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents that came along to join us. They worked tirelessly, supporting and encouraging our students during their activities and working behind the scenes to ensure that everyone was well fed at mealtimes and tucked up in bed in the evenings.
We were fortunate that the weather was fine and the students were fantastic. It was so great to see the students using the Torbay School Learning Powers and challenging themselves in a different environment. They all had a lot of fun creating happy memories in their final year of school.
FUN CLUB HOLIDAY PROGRAMME – Week 2 ONLY: 26, 27, 28 & 29th April 7.30am – 5.30pm $44 per day. Theme: Insects, make an insect house. Where do they sleep? Do they hibernate in winter? Make insect cookies. Booking forms on website – After School Fun Clun At Torbay School under programmes.
Chess Lovers ONLINE Holiday Program Week 1: 19 – 22 April, Week 2: 26 – 29 April, When: 9:00am – 12:15pm, Cost: $45,
Why Join:
- Develop thinking and problem solving
- Learn great new skills
- Interactive hands-on lessons
- Experienced professional coaches
- Make friends with like-minded kids
- This program is suitable for kids who have some experience with chess
- For more information click here.
WERO CHALLENGE – In these difficult times some Māori tikanga has temporarily changed to ensure the health of the people. Another option for the hongi, is the “hā mamao” as in the breath (of life, shared in hongi) from a distance. It’s said this is a tikanga from Māori in the South island. Torbay School accepted the wero (challenge) of learning and practising the Hā Mamao this term.
Check out this video of our Wero Winners!
Remember getting butterflies as you put on your harness looking up at people in the air?
Remember being excited but as you go up the steps and you slowly tremble away?
That was the Flying Fox.
Remember skidding down the slide then covering up to not get hit by the parents?
Remember waiting patiently for your team to go under the football goal?
That was the wipeout.
Remember wanting to go in then hearing high pitch kids screaming and slowly regretting your life decision?
Remember the feeling of accidentally letting go of the rope and not knowing where it was?
Remember waiting for your marshmallow after the frightening experience?
Do you remember not getting enough sleep because of people in your dorm talking but inside you’re quietly giggling?
That was camp.
Remember when you stood on top of the tower as your excited heart started trembling while you wondered what trick you should do?
Remember when you chose to do a lazy boy in the middle when you got pushed out of the tower and air started rushing past you?
That was the flying fox!
Remember when your group cowered at the sight of icy cold water?
Then you chose to escape your raft leaving your teammates who didn’t want to take the risk?
Remember when the adults tried pushing you into the cold icy river?
Then almost slipping into the freezing water?
That was raft building!
Remember as your group slowly dragged their feet towards the dark forest
and cowering at the screams of other groups?
Remember as the adult’s tried to scare you.
But only managing to scare others?
Remember after the walk finished we went to the campfire?
Then the parent’s cooked us tasty marshmallow’s!
Do you remember the boring shady Burma trail?
That was camp.
By Enoch J
Here are some photos of camp:
Go over Under Upside Down these holidays at the library.
The Beanstack app returns again for these holidays. Try the fun “Over, Under and Upside-down” reading and activity challenges at home to earn badges and win prizes.
We will also have take-away activity packs and an online Kahootit! game to keep you entertained over the break and don’t forget to pop in and stock up on good books to read.
Check the Auckland Libraries website
and our facebook page to keep up to date with what’s happening at the library and see our family-friendly holiday posts.
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.
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