Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Nō Torbay ahau
engari nō Scotland oku tīpuna
Ko Glenys Harwood toku ingoa
Tēnā Koutou Tēnā tātou katoa
I am one of the Deputy Principals at Torbay School and have the pleasure of writing the first bit of the newsletter this week. I have a long history with Torbay School as I also came here as a student. It has been amazing to see the school grow to the vibrant one it is today. I am passionate about students learning and wellbeing and love being part of the school community.
EOTC (Education out of the Classroom) has been a feature of the last two weeks with the Year 6 camp to Carey Park and the Year 3 sleepover. I was privileged to be part of the Year 6 camp and it was fabulous to see how all the students rose to the challenges they encountered and displayed many of our school values and learner powers. The Year 3’s enjoyed their first overnight school experience with a sleepover in the hall which not even the rain could put a damper to. A very big thank you to all the parents who supported these two experiences. Without your willingness to participate these would not have been possible.
This week we farewell two of our staff. We are sad to say goodbye to Keri Lesorgen who is one of our year 1 teachers and Tanya Edelinski who is a Learning Assistant in Year 3. Both Keri and Tanya have been valuable members of our Torbay Team and have supported our students in many aspects of school life. We wish them all the best in their new endeavours.
Next term Sam Boriboun and Jenny Southward are both returning from leave to work in the Year 1 area of the school.
My main role at Torbay School is as SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), looking after students learning and working with teams to ensure all students access the curriculum. I work with our ESOL (English as a Second Language) and International students and oversee pastoral care and behaviour. One of the exciting aspects I have been involved in is UDL ( Universal Design For Learning) which is about design for everyone …..where diversity rather than ‘sameness” is valued and actively catered for. We were fortunate to win a Government Grant to enable us to further develop this philosophy within Torbay School.
The inside of the new building is on track to be completed soon, however the outside needs a bit more work. Currently the painting of the exterior is going up, drainage around the building and surroundings worked on. To make sure we move into a completed inside and outside, we have made the decision to delay the move in date to the 25th of June.
Thank you for your wonderful support this term and with the many changes we have had with alert levels. It has been great to walk around the school and see the many exciting things the children have been involved in. Our EOTC events have shown how collaborative and resilient our students are, always giving their best and taking part in as many opportunities as possible. We wish all our staff, students and families a well earned break with some down time to enjoy the holidays. Stay safe, be kind and we look forward to seeing you all at the beginning of Term 2.
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Sienna, Dylan, Olivia, Jared, Sadie, Cooper L Rm 22, Fiona G Rm 23 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING TEAM – Congratulations to all of the Year 5/6 students who swam in the Interschool Swimming Competition at the AUT Millennium Centre on Wednesday. Torbay did an amazing job and came 3rd overall. A massive thanks to all of the parents who came to help and supported. Well done team!
SPECIAL THANKS – A huge thanks to everyone that has helped this term! PMP, Garden to Table, Library, helping in the classrooms, putting away resources, school trips and camps the list goes on! Without your help many of these wonderful events wouldn’t go ahead. We are very grateful for your help and look forward to an exciting term 2!
ANZAC DAY CIVIC SERVICE – The Civic Service on Anzac day will be held at the Cenotaph in Browns Bay on Sunday 25th April. All students are invited to come along and join the student leaders and Mrs Hills to the Civic Service in their school uniforms and join in on the parade.
East Coast Bays Civic Parade and Service
Parade assembly: 8.15am at East Coast Bays RSA
Parade commences: 8.20am
Service: 8.45am at War Memorial, Manly Esp, Browns Bay
For more up-to-date information please visit
TERM 2 ASSEMBLY – ANZAC DAY Assembly will be on FRIDAY 21st May 2021 and will be presented by Y5 Waiheke Whānau. All welcome!
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – TUESDAY 18th MAY 2021 PhotoLife are coming to our school. Every child will be photographed individually and in their class group. When photos are ready for printing, students will bring home their own unique shoot key. Simply follow the steps to view and purchase your photos.
Sibling photo request forms can be collected from the office in Term 2. Please complete ONE form for EACH family and return to school before photo day.
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – LAST CHANCE all pool keys need to be returned to the school office by tomorrow. Please note: the school pool will be closed for public use from Friday 16th April at 3pm and all keys must be returned by this date to receive the bond refund.
END OF TERM SAUSAGE SIZZLE AND STUDENT LEADER MUFTI FUN DAY! Friday 16th April 2021 – We will be holding our end of term mufti day on Friday. A flyer with all the information was sent home earlier this week. See the flyer in the PTA section if you missed it.
HELP NEEDED We are looking for volunteers with sewing skills who can help us alter our kapa haka uniforms. If you are able to help please contact Vanessa Mitschak
FUN CLUB SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME – Fun Club at Torbay School April School holiday programme Week one 19-23, Week two 27-30th April. 7.30am – 5.45pm. Our Craft will be a lovely gift for Mothers Day coming up and we will also be remembering ANZAC Day. Bring your scooter or bike to participate in obstacle courses and a mini Golf challenge. Check our planner out on our website to download a booking form and email. Enquiries Sandie 021-329-626 or 021-399-626.
LOST PROPERTY – The lost property area has grown and we have now laid it all out in the hall for easy viewing. If you are in school please take some time to check this out. Please note: any unnamed lost items that haven’t been claimed by Friday will be donated to the uniform shop or the clothing bin. Thank you.
Marrzipan Drama – Self-Confidence classes at Torbay -Space Available for Term 2, 2021!
Marrzipan have gained a huge reputation in New Zealand for the development of shy children, especially those with anxiety, autism and selective mutism. Saying that, this is a class for the super crazy and dramatic types too, as we focus on positive leadership and social skills.Our classes focus on inner and outer self-confidence, and are super fun and exciting for children. Parents are kept up to date with weekly emails about what’s been covered in class and why, as well as what you can work on at home. We have two awesome showcases at the end of every term too, so you can see your child’s development first hand as they perform in one of our productions during the term.
Our classes will be running on Wednesday, at 3:00 in the library. Spaces are limited to 10-14 students, to sign up for a non-obligatory trial lesson – please register your interest by emailing or calling 0272206030. See you there!
CHESS AT TORBAY – Please see flyer below with all the information for Term 2!
Year 6 Camp
Last Wednesday Year 6 spent 3 days of challenges, new experiences and lots of fun at Carey Park. We would like to thank all the parents who joined us for this, for working tirelessly, encouraging, assisting and supporting all our students in the wide range of activities offered by the camp and helping behind the scenes to make sure meal times went smoothly and some sleep was had at night.
We were very fortunate to have fabulous weather and an amazing group of year 6 students. They showed their resilience, collaboration, innovative thinking and reflection to enjoy all the opportunities offered. They had a lot of fun creating many memories to add to their last year at Torbay School.
Year 3 Sleepover & EOTC days
KAWAU TEAM EOTC AND SLEEPOVER – Kawau Team teachers and children would like to thank all the parent supporters that helped out during the day on Thursday and Friday. Thanks also to the parents who prepared, cooked, served dinner and cleaned up! Special thanks to parents who stayed the night and weathered the wild storm with us!
Finally we are grateful for our office staff, for all the preparation and organisation of paperwork. To Katie Hills , one of our Deputy Principals who stayed the night and teachers who gave up their Friday night to hang out with almost 100 7 year olds.
- Hut building
- Hut building
- Hut building
- Hut building
Room 5 and 6 made a Fairytale Feast
Each group made a different recipe and then we shared the feast at the end. There was Granny’s favourite Anzac cookies, Goldilocks Porridge, Jack’s bean stalk dip, and the Big Bad Wolves Ham and Cheese Scrolls.