Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
I spent a wonderful morning yesterday visiting the architectural firm who have designed our new building. I was accompanied by ten of our children, Mrs Kilkolly and one of our parents. GHD Woodhead generously gave of their time and provided the children with a wonderful experience, showing them the process of designing a building, experiencing a virtual reality walk through of the new building and getting the children to contribute ideas for future projects. This was a wonderful learning experience for the children to quote one of them as they climbed back into the car. “This was the best school trip ever.” Thank you to Sarah Kilkolly for organising the visit and Sally Stanton for helping with transport.
Our Rakino team are currently at camp at Carey Park in West Auckland, thank you to all of the parents and teachers that have and are contributing their time and energy to ensure our children have a wonderful experience to help finish off their time at Torbay School. We have been very fortunate that in a year that many things have been cancelled and postponed we have been able to complete our camp program for year 4, 5 and 6. Thank you to our dedicated staff for making this possible.
We have a lot on our timetable and I am particularly looking forward to the colour run to be held on Saturday the 21st of November. Our PTA has been working hard to stage this event and are looking forward to a day of entertainment and fun. Our objective is to have a day that brings our community together. Come down to the school, bring a picnic and enjoy a bit of down time. There will be food trucks, live entertainment and a number of other attractions. All runners need to register online in advance to be able to run on the day. There will be no door sales. You only have to pay the fee of $8 if you are running, otherwise come and enjoy an afternoon out.
Many of you will be aware that one of our children Hollie Beattie is undergoing treatment for cancer and the family are fundraising to travel to Spain to undergo treatment costing over $400,000. We will be holding a special day on the 4th of December to support Hollie’s fundraising efforts. We will have a Mufti Day and several other events. The day will also be open to parents. More details will follow but you may like to set the date aside in your diary.
Tomorrow we are holding a gold coin mufti day to support Foster Hope. This is a Kāhui Ako event and will be duplicated in all of our Kāhui Ako schools.
I would also like to remind you that we will be holding our second Teacher Only day on Monday the 30th of November, we thank you for making alternative arrangements for your children on that day.
I am pleased to announce that we are currently in the process of signing the contract for our new Tiger Turf play area to be built on the bottom field. This project is timetabled to be completed during the Christmas break and should be ready for use when we return in February. This is a very exciting project which should provide us with a wonderful resource.
Our School is a wonderfully busy place and I thank you for your continued support with everything we do!
Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Campbell H Rm 5, Ollie Rm 12, Agnes, Jamie, Blake & Luca Rm 24 Tino pai!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Mia & Liam Rm 3, Lucas & Julia Rm 4, Ellie & Shijie Rm 5, Madison & Ava Rm 6, Hollie & Gary Rm 7, Brody & Cameron Rm 8, Kaila & Jason Rm 9, Coby & Peyton W Rm 11, Janneke & Josh Rm 11a,
Cason & Michaella Rm 15, Tiger & Sean Rm 18, Betty & Brodie Rm 19, Denham & Caleb Rm 21, Hazel, Lilly & Nikola Rm 22, Galina & Zephyr Rm 24, Annabel & Mason Rm 25 Well done!!!!!
RICC REWARDS, for displaying our C.A.R.E Values – Cameron Rm 6, Isaac & Memphis Rm 7, Hannah, Matthew & Luca Rm 10, Jacob Rm 12, Evie Rm 13, Loren Rm 19, Sophia & Finn Rm 21, Mikayla, Aspen & Regardt Rm 22, Olivia & Max B Rm 23 Ka pai!
YUMMY STICKERS – Alex Rm 4, Shekinah Rm 11A, Jack H, Kohl A & Georgia C Rm 17, Imogen A Rm 19, Mikayla I Rm 22 Awesome work!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd December @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 16th November @ 9.30am in the staffroom.
TERM 4 TEACHER ONLY DAY – Monday 30th November. School will be closed for learners on this day. Fun Club will be open. Please contact Sandie or Thelma on 021 399 626 to book in.
INTENTION TO LEAVE TORBAY SCHOOL – If your child/ren will not be returning to Torbay School next year please email to advise as soon as possible. Thank you.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The second hand uniform shop will be open in the hall between 8.30am – 8.55am and 3pm – 3.30pm on Thursday 26th November. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate please drop them at the school office.
FRIDAY WHEELS DAY Y’s 1-5 Wheels Day will be held every Friday for Years 1-5 after lunch eating. Only on Waterwise Fridays
SHOE BOXES FOR ART FESTIVAL – We are in search of some shoe boxes for our Art festival, if you have some that you can donate please drop them off to Nic Davis in Room 5. Thank you!
UPDATE FROM EDGE – Our student management system Edge has recently had an update. Our Parent Portal site can now be found here: https://parent.edgelearning.
PHOTOLIFE SPORT TEAM/GROUPS PHOTO SHOOT – Tuesday 24th November, PhotoLife will be here to take photos of all our Torbay School Sports teams, including our Student Leaders and Powhiri Kapa Haka groups on Tuesday 24th November. Children are to wear their blue Torbay School T-shirt on this day and bring along their Sports top for the photo. Please note: we previously advised that they can wear their sports uniform to school, however with the photo re shoot for some classes we need them to be in proper uniform. We will also be taking individual catchup photos for absent or new students too, if they were away or started after the 25th September please ensure they are looking sharp on this day as well!
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – Go on sale to our school community from 8.30am Tuesday 17th, November 2020 $100.00 hire plus $20 refundable key bond (Total $120) NOTE: These will not be able to be purchased through the online shop (Sorry, no waiting list for keys and no keys will be issued until the pool contract is completed.)
MUFTI DAY – FRIDAY 13th NOVEMBER – Please see flyer below:
Y4 CAMP – Year 4 camp was a huge success, the weather was great the kids had a ball and there were a lot of tired tamariki, teacher and parents too!! A big thank you to all the year 4 teachers, whānau and the wonderful students who made it such a fantastic experience. Here are some photos of the time spent at Peter Snell!
GARDEN TO TABLE – A massive thanks to New World Long Bay for donating a trolley full of supplies to our Garden to Table program that we run here at school for the Year 6’s. Every Wednesday the Y6’s get into the school garden and harvest veges, then they transform them into delicious creations. They then get to enjoy their hard work with a sit down meal at the end.
If your child is sick please stay home and follow the guidelines for the illness and stay home for the recommended time frame set by the Ministry of Health.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
SCHOOL DISCO – Thanks to all that came along to the Halloween themed Disco! It was great to see so many people dressed up! Here are just a few photos from the Junior disco!
Y4 CAMP POEM By Wota Rm 22
Day One
On the first day of the week it was camp!!!
I was scared out of my skin.
The parents car opened the door
I climbed in.
I felt itchy as if there was ants in my pants
When I got out of the car the door slammed behind me. Then we went to our cabins
I was with all the Chinese girls
Except Stella.
Next we did a bunch of activity’s
after all of them I felt way better
Night time
I couldn’t sleep it didn’t feel right
I hugged my plush toy. I closed my eyes
Then I waited
for what seemed like one million hours.
Finally I slept
Suddenly I woke up every one was asleep All except me
I had nothing to do but to wait
and see if I can go back to sleep but I couldn’t Slowly the sun rised it was beautiful, fantastic For one second all my bad thoughts disappeared
Day Two
We did our last activity water slide
Finally I thought finally I can go home
We packed our bags
and again the parents door opened
I climbed in and this time I was happier then A kitten with a new ball of yarn
Finally home I thought….
The end
On Wednesday 21 October, 3 teams went to Northcross for their annual Year 5/6 Mathex competition against other local schools. There were 50 teams competing for the trophy. The children had to work collaboratively to answer 20 maths questions in a fast paced race to try get 100 points first. The teams did a great job and enjoyed the experience.
Salvation Army – support for families in need
The Kāhui Ako Student council are currently working with the Salvation Army to support those in need in our community. Sarah Fordyce at the Salvation Army Albany Bays sent us this message:
If you do hear of people whose circumstances have changed because of the pandemic, please feel free to tell them about our drop-in sessions on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 10am to 12pm, when we freely share out our free vegetables and bread as well as taking applications for food parcels. We are also taking applications for Christmas assistance – we provide Christmas themed food parcels as well as Christmas gifts for children 16years and under and can also discuss sponsorship supporting children’s educational needs.
Contact details are: Sarah Fordyce
Reception/Community Ministries
The Salvation Army
Albany Bays Corps
PH 09 4787567
MOB 021 832 064
Long Bay Village Xmas Colouring in Competition
We have 2 x family passes to Rainbows End up for grabs! (Value $220!)
Students will need to drop off their creations to our sales suite at Long Bay Village (location plan attached) and every entry will receive a candy cane
Entries close 7th December and we will put all of the creations in the window of our vacant unit after the 7th so everyone can see the entries
We will announce the winners Friday 11th December