Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
Māori Language Week, te wiki o te reo Māori, is a government-sponsored initiative promoting the use of Māori language, one of the two official national languages of the country (Māori and New Zealand Sign Language).
Torbay School celebrates Māori language week by:
- Practicing our learner powers in Te Reo
- Student lead Te Reo, where akonga are the expert.
- Peer teaching with sign language, where akonga are once again the expert
- Using Wai ako to support Te Reo in the classroom
- Participating in the Māori Language Moment
- Classroom activities, planned by the Te Reo Team and adapted to each classroom by the teacher
- Caught Kia Kōrero Te Reo Māori award cards
You can support Māori language week by:
- Torbay School Karakia
- Reading Māori myth and legends or listening to them
- Read Te Kete. A cultural kit, written for you, your whānau and friends to share New Zealand’s distinctive cultural heritage. It provides a window on Māori history, customs and culture
- Sing waiata and more waiata
- Information about Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.
- Learning and singing the song Kia Mau Ki Tō Ūkaipō/Don’t Forget Your Roots
- Try some of our classroom activities at home by exploring our Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori Learning Grid

On Monday people all around New Zealand were speaking or singing Te Reo together at the same time to kick off this year’s Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori. At Torbay School all students at staff paused their work at 12pm to join this Māori Language Moment. In our separate spaces or classrooms everyone sang Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi, led by our cultural leaders Kimiora and Harlan. Here is a video of our Māori Language Moment that we would love to share with our community Click here to view.
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Lachie & Leila Rm 1, Isabela & Georgia Rm 2, Max, Theo & Pyper Rm 3, Matthew & Abdullah Rm 4, Campbell & Xander Rm 5, Sophie & Sam Rm 6, Isaiah & Caitlyn Rm 7, Amelie & Cameron Rm 8, Luca M & Emilia Rm 9, Micheal & Jonathan Rm 10, Ludwig & Louritz Rm 11, Emma O & Xavier Rm 12, Sofia & Liam L Rm 13, Alyza & Leon Rm 14, Easen & Morgan Rm 15, Koby & Georgia Rm 17, Taya & Nick Rm 18, Grace & Eden Rm 19, Kimiora & Abigail Rm 20, Zachary & Dante Rm 21, Ruby & Jackson Rm 22, Max B & Bianca Rm 23, Niamh & William Rm 24, Fern & Tristan Rm 25 Well done!!!!!
YUMMY STICKERS – Elsa & Emily K Rm 1, Rooms 3 & 4, Alex Rm 4, Jagger & Toby Rm 9, Lewis Rm 10, Taymon Rm 14, Georgia Rm 17, Shrae Rm 19, Paige Rm 20, Dylan & Ollie Rm 21, Bianca & Eddie Rm 22, Luke Rm 23 Ka pai!
TE REO AWARDS – Ella W Rm 12, Elijah Rm 4, Kaitlyn Rm 8, Bill Rm 21, Brayden Rm 24, Nathan Rm 18 Tino Pai!
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS: ** DATE CHANGE, BROUGHT FORWARD**– Class, portrait and sibling photos will be held on Thursday 24th September. An information flyer and requested sibling photo forms have gone home today. If you have multiple children at Torbay School and wish to have their photos taken together and haven’t requested a sibling form please email the office and we will send one home with your child for you to complete. The Sports team and Group photos along with any missed individual photos will be held on Tuesday 24th November.
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th October @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 16th November @ 9.30am in the staffroom.
TERM 4 TEACHER ONLY DAYS – Tuesday 27th October 2020 & Monday 30th November . School will be closed for learners these days.
END OF TERM MUFTI DAY & PTA SAUSAGE SIZZLE – Friday 25th September. Sausages need to be ordered through our online shop. Online orders close 10am Thursday 24th Sept. Sorry no cash sales or late orders will be accepted. Please see flyers in the PTA section for more information. The mufti day is a gold coin donation with all Mufti Day proceeds going to Canteen. A flyer will be coming coming home today!
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 6 – Books have arrived and will go home with your child today.
AFTER SCHOOL FUN CLUB HOLIDAY PROGRAMME AT TORBAY SCHOOL – See planner and booking form on our website for our Jurassic Park Dinosaur holiday programme. We’ll be having a treasure hunt for Dinosaur Bones and other Dinosaur activities. 7.30-5.30 $42.50 per child. Daily 28th Sept – 9th Oct. For more info call Sandie 021-329-626
CHESS AT TORBAY SCHOOL – Class details: This is 8 weeks chess coaching program running on Mondays from 12 October 2020 till 7 December 2020 from 3:10 – 4:10 pm. The fee will be $100/student for the term. The sessions will be held in Multimedia Room. If the program is successful a new full 10-week program will be made available for Term 1.
REGISTRATION: If your child would like to be part of this please visit our website. Both registration and payment can be done online at
HATS & SUNBLOCK- Hats (black or blue) are compulsory for students to play outside in the playground during Terms 4 & 1. Please ensure all hats are named CLEARLY preferably on the brim of the hat inside so we can return lost hats to the correct child. New school hats are available from Janbells, Mairangi Bay and at the school office for $14. When the weather starts to warm up, please remember to sunblock your children every morning. Thanks for your support of being Sun Safe.
LOST PROPERTY – Any named items will be returned to to students before the end of the term. There also seems to be a lot of shoes missing their owners and a few single ones too, can we reunite them? The students will have the opportunity to have a look through the unnamed lost property next week.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever.
- Stay home until all symptoms have cleared and only return to school after they are 48 hours symptom free (healthline recommendations) or are symptom free and can provide a negative covid test result.
Preventing the spread of Covid-19, the common cold and general illness especially during this time is important and we thank you for your support surrounding this. If your child becomes unwell during the day at school they will be sent home and asked to remain at home until they are symptom free.
Eddie M “I think the author wrote this book because they don’t want Māori to be a forgotten language. The author is hoping that more kids and teachers learn the language”
- Cody
- Thomas
The Tuia Mātauranga GeoTour will be in Tai Tokerau in November 2020 Check out for more information
Bookings are now open for the 2021 Science Roadshow! Auckland 24 May – 11 June, 4 – 8 July Northland 16 June – 2 July Email Science Roadshow
Play Cricket with East Coast Bays Cricket Club
Registrations for the cricket season are now open.
Please register online at
East Coast Bays Cricket Club is one of the largest clubs on Auckland’s North Shore, providing cricket for all ages and all levels.
The Club is focused on fun, teamwork and performance providing children of all skill levels a chance to learn the game in an enjoyable competitive environment.
We cater for all children’s cricket from Year 1 through to Year 8, both girls and boys.
The uniform comprises of a club polo shirt, club shorts or trousers, and club cap or wide-brimmed hat, which are available from Players Sports online or at their Newmarket shop.
The Club provides all playing equipment required, although you are welcome to use your own.
Please contact the Club for more information at