Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
Thank you for your support with our move back to school under Alert Level 2 guidelines. The children have returned to school well and seem settled and content. Our staff have handled the transition well and the hygiene and contact tracing procedures have been put into place.
We are working hard to plan optimistically for the future and are hoping that as many of our events and programmes as possible can take place. We will keep you well informed of any developments and any changes to our plans heading into Term 4.
One date I would like to ensure you have in your diaries is October the 27th which has been set aside as a Teacher Only Day. This is the Tuesday following Labour Day and we will be using this day for a full staff Professional Development day. I thank you in advance for making other arrangements for your children’s care on this day. We have had very little opportunity to come together as a staff for PLD this year and value these days enormously.
As is our tradition we will hold a mufti day on the last day of term. We feel it is appropriate that we donate the proceeds of this day to the charity Canteen. We believe this is an appropriate cause that aligns with our care value of Aroha. At a time when the inequalities in our society are so evident we feel it is appropriate that we give to others.
Each term the Board reviews three of the school’s policies, some of the policies are reviewed by the Board, some by the Board and Staff and others by the Board Staff and Parents. This term our Learning Support Policy is due for review by the Board, Staff and Parents. To do this login to our School Docs Website and follow the review process as it is outlined below. The School Docs website is always available to parents for you to view our Policies.
I thank you all for your support and the kindness that you have shown to each other and to our staff during this difficult period. We are very aware that people are feeling many different stresses now, please let us know if there is any way in which we can support you. It is important that we remain optimistic and as positive as we can, particularly for our children, and that we continue to focus on people’s well being.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
Policy Review
Please take the time to review our Learning Support policy, be aware that it is only the Policy itself that is up for review not the linked background material. You can however always give us feedback on any of the policies by using the School Docs Website.
- Visit the website School Docs Website
- Enter the username (Torbay) and password (Torbay2019).
- Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed. Use the Red link on the top right of your screen,
- Read the policy. The Policy we are reviewing this term is the Learning Support Policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type “Parent”.
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
- If you don’t have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
Thank you for taking the time. What you think is important to us!
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Lucas Rm 4 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Alex H & Ashley Rm 1, Eva, Sienna R, Josh B & Finley Rm 2, Anine & Flynn Rm 3, Kevin & Toby Rm 4, Ella & Anna Rm 5, Ella & Anna Rm 6, Hudson & Makaia Rm 7, Michaela & Philip Rm 8, Alex, Eddie & India Rm 9, Brooke & Lewis Rm 10, Toby & Amelie Rm 11, Norris & Gabriella Rm 12, Yulia & Mila Rm 13, Reuben & Hannah Rm 14, Elise & Sophie Rm 15, Kayla & Mika Rm 16, Liam C & Sienna W Rm 17, Holly & Dimi Rm 18, Skyla & Basil Rm 19, Andrew & Drico Rm 20, Madison G, Xulia & Chrislou Rm 21, Finn B & Sophie L Rm 22, Aamani, Cooper & Paige Rm 23, Jamie, Sonja & Brooke Rm 24, Tom, Bosco & Stella Rm 25 Well done!!!!!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th September @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 16th November @ 9.30am in the staffroom.
TEACHER ONLY DAY – Tuesday 27th October 2020. School will be closed for learners this day.
2021 ENROLMENTS: If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 next year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
2021 OUT OF ZONE ENROLMENTS: Enrolment at Torbay School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office. The Board has determined that four (4) places are likely to be available for Out of Zone Year 1 New Entrant enrolments next year.
CLOSING DATE for Year 1/New Entrant Out of Zone Applications is Wednesday 16 September 2020 and the BALLOT DATE will be Friday 21 October 2020 (if required).
PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Trustees will not consider any late out of zone applications for Year 1 New Entrant students starting in 2020 which have not been received before 16 September 2020. If you have a child who is turning 5 next year with a sibling who currently attends student Torbay School and you have or are considering moving out of zone, please URGENTLY contact the office
2021 Term 1 | 4 Feb 2021 – | 16 Apr 2021 |
2021 Term 2 | 3 May 2021 – | 9 Jul 2021 |
2021 Term 3 | 26 Jul 2021 – | 1 Oct 2021 |
2021 Term 4 | 18 Oct 2021 – | 16 Dec 2021 |
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 6 – Order forms have gone home. The closing date for orders is Thursday 10th September at 3pm. Orders can be done online at Thank you for your support. Every order helps the school get valuable resources for our School.
UNIFORM – ALL NAMED PLEASE Throughout the term our lost property area becomes overwhelmed! To help with this, clearly naming all items including shoes makes it easy for us to return them to their owners. We appreciate your assistance with this.
SCHOOL LUNCHROOM – The School Lunchroom is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday’s only for lunch orders while we are in Alert Level 2.
SCHOOL ABSENCES – Please remember to contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
You can do this by one of the following:
- Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
- Email:
- Website: Report an Absence form Click here
DROP OFF ZONE: We have had a number of complaints about parking in the Drop off Zone. The Drop-off Zone is a two minute stop only which means NO PARKING. Please DO NOT park and take your child into school. If your child requires assistance to get to the school gate, then please park on the road. Please be courteous to other drivers when using the drop off zone and please ensure you follow the road rules and adhere to the left hand turn only.
EDGE PARENT PORTAL – Parents and Caregivers can check information and download School reports through the parent portal via Edge
If any of the information is incorrect please contact the school office so we can update any changes.
DENTAL INFORMATION: Please see below an updated communication from the Auckland Regional Dental Service.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever.

- Stay home until all symptoms have cleared and only return to school after they are 48 hours symptom free (healthline recommendations) or are symptom free and can provide a negative covid test result.
Preventing the spread of Covid-19, the common cold and general illness especially during this time is important and we thank you for your support surrounding this. If your child becomes unwell during the day at school they will be sent home and asked to remain at home until they are symptom free.
HEAD LICE: We have had a few cases of head lice reported in the school please check your children’s head for head lice and treat where necessary.