Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
It has been wonderful to welcome so many parents and caregivers into the school over the last two weeks. We had a huge number of parents that visited our classrooms for our Matariki celebrations and I hope you enjoyed sharing a cup of tea and a biscuit or two with other parents, staff and children. All of the various Whānau groups celebrated in slightly different ways but the atmosphere around the school was optimistic and encouraging.
I was also pleased to see the levels of attendance at our Whānau Feedback interviews this week. I hope that you found the meetings worthwhile. Our focus on children’s well being, I believe, has served our children well and the experience of the last months has emphasised how important the development of our Learner Powers and CARE Values are in our programme. They are certainly the skills and attitudes that will help our children through difficult times and contribute to their well being and success in the coming years.
As I mentioned last week, our PTA has reformed and are looking forward to the rest of the year. We have a strong team, please keep an eye out for their newsletter that will come out today too. I know the PTA will welcome new members so feel free to come along to any of the meetings advertised.
Unfortunately our PTA had to cancel our Mother’s Day promotion as we went into Lockdown but are now ready to celebrate Father’s Day. There will be a Father’s Day gift promotion coming up, running in a similar way to the Mother’s Day Promo. In addition to this the PTA is running a “Donuts for Dads” promotion for all those Dads that drop off their children at school on Friday the 4th Sept. These activities are not only for Dads, but also Grandad’s and any other special male or caregiver in your child’s life. Keep an eye out for details.
I am also excited to see a new fundraising activity that will help move the school in an environmentally friendly direction. The PTA is partnering with Bonnie Bio, a company who provide alternatives to plastic bags and cling wrap. We will be promoting Bonnie Bio products through our Newsletter and proceeds from sales will go towards the school. I urge you to support this promotion as it not only supports the school but also supports sustainability.
It is great to see our PTA active again with these new promotions, our School disco is coming up on the 21st of August, if you can help out in any way please let Melissa and her team know at .
As advertised we will be holding a Teacher only day on August the 28th, the day will be used for professional development for all staff. I thank you in advance for making alternative arrangements for the care of your children. These days are very valuable and help us keep current with new practice.
The second part of the floor slab for our new building will be poured next Tuesday 11th of August. Once again the Deep Creek car park will be closed and there will be concrete trucks arriving regularly. Please keep clear of the entrance, particularly at morning drop off time.
Every day at Torbay School is a pleasure. Your children continually amaze and delight us with their abilities and achievements. We thank you for your continued support!
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Archer M Rm 8, Emilia, Kalia & Jason Rm 9, Zachary L Rm 10, Allie Rm 11, Chloe G Rm 18, Gordon H Rm 24 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Kaleb, Alex H Rm 1, Erin, Dayton Rm 2, Erin, Liam Rm 3, Edith, Harry, Violet, Alex Rm 4, Erin, Joel, Tia, Daniel Rm 5, Sinoki, Ines, Roseleen, Kai Rm 6, Makaia, Alex Rm 7, Marlon, Theo Rm 8, Alex, Brooke Rm 9, Luca, Tyler Rm 10, Allie, Ida Rm 11, William, Gabriella Rm 12, Evie, Ollie Rm 13, Odelia, Liam Rm 14, Xander, Alice Rm 15, Mika, Payton Rm 16, Koji, Koby Rm 17, Nathan B, Abby G Rm 18, John, Amar Rm 21, Izzy, Dar Rm 22, Corey, Tyler, Kaelin, Quentin Rm 23, Jaime, Paige Rm 24, Amy & Hank Rm 25 Well done!!!!!
RICC REWARDS, for displaying our C.A.R.E Values – Lucy Rm 3, Lexi Rm 4, Thomas Rm 7, Josh, Juliet & Savannah Rm 16, Cruz Rm 18, Jayden G Rm 19, Chrislou Rm 21, Yana Rm 22, Paige & Izzy Rm 23 Ka pai!
YUMMY STICKERS Teagan Rm 20 & Tessa Rm 17. Thank you!!
MEETINGS – The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 24th August at 9.30am in the Staffroom. The next PTA meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th August @ 7.30pm in staff room – new members welcome. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th September @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY PRESENTED BY MOTUIHE Y4 & WAIHEKE Y5 – will be held on Friday 21st August @ 2pm in the hall. ALL WELCOME!!
PTA EVENT – DISCO 70’s THEME: Friday 21st August, Juniors (Y0-3) 6pm – 7pm and Seniors (Y4-6) 7.15pm – 8.30pm. Tickets can be purchased for $5 or $10 per family via the online shop under the PTA Fundraising tab along with Pizza for $1.50 a slice (Gluten free & Dairy options available $2 per slice). Lollies can be pre ordered via online shop but also will be available on the night. Online orders & ticket sales close on Monday 17th August @ 3pm. See flyer below in the PTA section.
Y4 PETER SNELL CAMP – The Y4 camp will be held on the 2nd and 3rd November. Information for this and a link to consent forms will be sent via email next week.
Y6 CAREY PARK CAMP – The Y6 camp will be held on 11th – 13th November (Wed- Fri) the online camp consent & swimming forms are due today, please click here to complete.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – Orders have now closed. Once the order arrives the hoodies will be sent home with your child.
MATARIKI – It was great to see so many parents and whānau at school celebrating Matariki, we hope you enjoyed seeing all the great learning the tamariki created, tasting their food they made and hearing them sing! Here are a few photos of the celebrations.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR – A special thanks to all that supported our annual book fair! It was buzzing in the office foyer and was lovely to see so many children receiving some new books! The school benefits from every sale and gives us lovely new books for our school library and resources for the classrooms for our tamariki to enjoy!
YUMMY STICKERS Thanks to all those families who have supported our collection of yummy stickers, which enable the school to receive free sports equipment. This years’ Yummy sticker collection is due to end at the end of August. If you have any forms please bring them into the office (even if they aren’t full). But don’t stop there, pick up another sheet from the office so we can get a head start on 2021!!
KĀHUI AKO TEACHER ONLY DAY – As part of our Professional Learning for this year we will be having a Teacher Only Day on Friday 28th August. The school will be closed for learners on this day. Fun Club will be open. Please contact Sandie or Thelma on 021 399 626 or visit to book in.
CROSS COUNTRY – will be held on Friday 14th August Seniors Years 4-6 starting at 9.15am and Juniors, Year 1-3 starting at 1.45pm. Please ensure they have the appropriate shoes for running on this day. We would love to see you there supporting and cheering on the children! So rustle up the family and come along!!
ENROLMENTS 2020/21 – If your child, (or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone) and is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following dates: Thursday 13th August and 17th September from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office.