Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
It has been a terrifically busy week at school with many exciting activities taking place in the classrooms and while our teachers and children are all very tired there have been many smiles.
As term 2 draws to a close we are busy looking ahead to next term when our sports teams will start to play regularly, and we look forward to the many different activities we have planned. Our regular performance assemblies will return, our cross-country events are being planned, we have Matariki celebrations planned for week 2, our annual book week in week 3 and put aside Tuesday and Wednesday of week 3 for parent teacher meetings. These are but a few of the events we have planned for next term and I feel a sense of normalcy in simply writing them down.
Our PTA will be holding it’s comeback meeting in the first week or two of next term as we reconstruct our programme for the remainder of the year. Keep an eye out for the invitation and come along.
I would like to make a special mention of the parents and caregivers who have given up their time to support our year 1 (PMP) Perceptual Motor Programme. This programme is run by Debbie Abbott one of our support staff, on four mornings a week in our hall. It is a wonderful activity-based programme that helps develop children’s balance and gross motor skills. It relies on parent volunteers and the support this term has been great. Thank you to all those who have been able to give up their time to help out. We do however always need more people and if you are interested in helping next term please contact Debbie.
Next term we will also continue with our new timetable and our protocols for morning and afternoon pick up these have been very successful, and both our children and staff have benefited. I thank you for your support in implementing these protocols and for adapting your routines. It has been a real pleasure to be at the gate each morning to welcome the children into school and chat with parents.
Thank you for your wonderful support through a challenging time. I believe we have come through this ordeal in great shape and as I look back there is much to celebrate. Our children have achieved a great deal, learnt new skills and in particular have in many cases grown their resilience and independence. Our staff are very tired but can take a break satisfied that their professionalism, adaptability and skills shone through under the most challenging of times. And as parents and whānau you have been adaptable and supportive of your children and school throughout.
I hope you all find the time to enjoy some of the holidays with your children. Stay safe, be kind and I look forward to term 3 and all the wonderful things we can achieve together.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Violet, Samantha, Neva, Zoe and Hao Rm 4 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Kay & Alyssa Rm 1, Ben C & Lucy Rm 2, Theo & Jack Rm 3, Mila & Hao Rm 4, Laine & Bede Rm 5, Talen & Delilah Rm 6, Hudson & Makaia Rm 7, Braden & Brody Rm 8, Viggo, Ishmaiah, Alex & Brooke Rm 9, Daniel & Matthew Rm 10, Janneke, Bella, Fletcher & Xavier Rm 11, Evie & Michael Rm 13, Alyza & Liam Rm 14, Milla & Sophie Rm 15, Rhianna & Oliver Rm 16, Max P, Sam H & Georgia C Rm 17, Wendy & Charlie Rm 18, Kealan & Cole Rm 19, Johanna & Finn M Rm 21, Finn B, Malachi & Madison Rm 22, Stella & Billie Rm 23, Chloe, Taitum, Bree & Chantelle Rm 24, Brody & Connor Rm 25 Well done!!!!!
RICC REWARDS, for displaying our C.A.R.E Values – Tobias Rm 3, Matthew Rm 10, Liam Rm 13, Max Rm 16, Paige Rm 23, Zephyr & Luca Rm 24, Vance Rm 25 Ka pai!
JULY ROLL RETURN – On Wednesday 1st July 2020 we are required by the Ministry of Education to complete a roll count of all students. This is to confirm the numbers enrolled at every school in New Zealand. If your child is was absent on this day, please ensure you complete the form that was sent home with your child or you can fill out an absentee form via our website, or you can send an email direct to the school office with an explanation for their absence– Thank you!
The Salvation Army Albany Bays would like to say a huge thank you for the effort your students and families put into the Oneroa Kāhui Ako Learning Community Food Drive! We appreciate the generosity shown in helping those in need in our community. There has been an increase throughout lockdown and beyond for food assistance. The food drive came at a great time, ensuring we still had the stock we needed to help supply food parcels. Thank you again for your support, time and effort in being part of the food drive.

The digital components of the curriculum cover 2 areas, Computational Thinking and Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes. We are seeing amazing examples of classes doing these things already in all areas of the school.
Students are learning to:
- Break down problems
- Create a set of instructions or steps
- Trial it and then check for mistakes
- In both digital and ‘unplugged’ tasks
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes
Students are learning to:
- Design & create digital solutions
- Solve a problem, challenge or need
- Understand how technology works
- Understand the role & impact of technology in our lives
One of our ongoing goals is to have Students as creators not just consumers of digital technologies.
TOURNAMENT OF MINDS – This year Torbay School are entering teams in the ‘Tournament of Minds’ competition which will take place in Term 3. The competition consists of a “super challenge” which teams of students will have 6 weeks to complete before presenting their solution in the form of a video. For the last two weeks 21 students formed 4 teams to take part in a practice challenge called “Float A Boat”. Their task was to design and build a boat which would hold a Barbie, 10 marbles and float whilst being water bombed by teachers. They also had to create a presentation showing their design process and collaboration.
Yesterday was judging day – Mr O’Brien and Mrs Kelly watched carefully, whilst Miss Mitschak and Mrs Benkovic rather joyfully took on the task of water bombers. With a cheering audience in the form of Room 23 and Rooms 15/16, one at a time each team launched their boats and hoped they’d survive their minute on the water! There ended up being just 1 point between 1st and 2nd place with “Victory” just pipping “The Great Emoji” to receive the top spot – Congratulations to Victory team members Abigail, Chloe G, Tiger, Taya, Ella-Mae & Tayla!!
THANK YOU – Wow what am amazing community we have at Torbay School. Thank you to everyone who donated. Aspen and Lilly will be taking the donated items up to the Silverdale animal shelter in the holidays.
Dear Torbay School, Thank you for helping the stray dogs. You guys are heroes for saving the dogs. You really made a change and you put a smile on their faces. Torbay School you rock!! From Aspen and Lilly
END OF TERM MUFTI DAY AND FUN MORNING TEA! The sun shone on our last day of term 2! Thanks to our wonderful school community for donating all the lovely baked goods for our bake sale and everyone enjoyed the FUN games put on by our Y6 students! Here are some photos of the day:
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GIRL GUIDES: Our group meetings are back in the real world! We use fun, adventure and friendship to build girls’ confidence and life skills. Join us today and bring more awesome to your daughter’s world at a reduced fee. #youbetheguide.
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