Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
It is wonderful to see the construction team move in at school and start work on our new 12 classroom block. The build was timetabled to start on the first day of lock down and it was pleasing to see Woodview Construction move in on the first day of Level 3. Stage one of the project which is the building itself will be completed in 12 months.
Obviously, there will be implications for us here at school and for our community during the construction period, but these have been minimised by the location of the build and the positioning of the access road. You will have noticed that we have lost three mature trees to the building. I would like to assure you that we will institute a planting programme on the hillside with a view to replacing those trees.
With the move to Covid Level 3 we have opened the school up in a limited way to cater for the children of parents who are required to work and have no other alternative for childcare. I would like to thank our staff members who have come into school to support and supervise those children. They are doing a terrific job under very difficult circumstances.
We have been able to maintain our online support with a teacher supporting each class. Our teachers are doing a terrific job in this new environment and I know they are finding online contact with children demanding and tiring. Your continued support wherever and however you can provide it is welcomed.
I want to emphasise that it is not necessary for the children to finish all of the work the teachers are posting on the various platforms. Some children and parents have been getting a little worried if they don’t complete everything. Please do not worry if children are not completing all the set work. We do not want to create unnecessary stress at home! Please manage your children’s engagement to fit in with your family routines and activities.
While it was a very different ANZAC day this year and we were not able to hold our normal ANZAC assembly the families and children of Torbay School stood tall at the end of their driveways in memory of our fallen heroes. Sarah Kilkolly with the support of many of you created a wonderful tribute that can be viewed here and will remain as a poignant reminder of our fight against Covid 19 for many years to come. Thank you Sarah!
I hope that you are all coping with the continued restrictions under Level 3 and thank you for finding ways to keep your children at home. By doing this we ensure that we give ourselves the best chance of not returning to Level 4.
Stay safe. Look after yourselves and your families and please contact us here at school if we can be of assistance.
Take care and be kind!
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to all the students who have shared their fantastic online learning with us this week, Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Adam & Kay Rm 1, Finley D, Chloe M, Zirah & Josh Rm 2, Anine, Ivey, Flynn & Tobias Rm 3, Jaxon E, Neva, Zoe P & Hao Rm 4, Cameron, Michaela, Lily & Riley Rm 5, Kai, Roseleen, Greta & Olivia Rm 6, Isaac & Alex Rm 7, Jaxon, Isaac, Celeste & Nathan Rm 8, India, Rhys, Marcus & Kaila Rm 9, Hannah, Charlotte & Jacob Rm 10, Reuben, Fletcher, Ellie & Lachlan Rm 11, George, Keagan, Oliver & Zoe Rm 13, Odelia & Jared Rm 14, Milla, Ashton, Jimin & Elise Rm 15, Josh, Savannah, Max & Payton Rm 16, Sophia & Renee Rm 17, Tiger, Holly, Nathan B & Abby F Rm 18, Max K & Amber Rm 19, Bill, Xulia, Zachary & Sophia Rm 21, Aspen, Jack & Mikayla Rm 22, Connor F & Finley C Rm 23, Jaime & Agnes Rm 24, Brody & Irene Rm 25. Well done!!!!!
CORRECTION – In Tuesday’s Sports newsletter it stated that the Inter-school Rippa Rugby tournaments that are held during school hours were cancelled. This information was incorrect. These have NOT been cancelled, they have been postponed until further notice. We will update you once we have more information.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – This is your LAST CHANCE TO ORDER closing date is Wednesday 6th May @ 3pm. If your child plays sports for the school and you would like to purchase one
they are available on the online shop under the sports tab. This is the first order for 2020. There will only be one other opportunity to purchase a sports hoodie later in Term 3. These hoodies can be worn at any Torbay School sports event (Rippa, Netball Tournaments etc) but not as a replacement for our school uniform.
Check out some of the awesome work our learners have been doing at home!
Whānau Tiritiri Y0/1
Whānau Rangitoto Y2
Whānau Kawau Y3
Room 8 did a book study on Anzac Ted and learned about Anzac Day last week. See some of their work below
Congratulations to Alex M from Rm 9 for receiving a letter from our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for his Easter egg submission in the ‘Big New Zealand Easter Egg Hunt’. His smile say’s it all! Ka pai Alex!
Check out what other wonderful work Rm 9 has been doing below:
On ANZAC morning we get up very early. It is still dark. We drive in the dark and put on our coats, it is always cold. We go to the memorial and sad poems are sung, then a lonely song is played, on a bugle then guns are shot into the sky. Then the soldiers march. My grandad marches on ANZAC day he marches for his friends some people can’t walk some are pushed in wheelchairs others ride in cars my dad says “Well done boys!!” There was once a war my daddy says it was in a place called Gallipoli the people who fought in that war were called ANZACs they were from Australia and New Zealand. Lots of them died in places like ANZAC cove my grandad marches to remember them… But my grandad wasn’t there; he was in a different war that was where he earned his medals. By Eddie Y3 R9
My Pops Dad was in world war one. He went to war in 1914 when he was only 17 and 18 years old. He was away for 5 years and 119 days. He had to go by ship because there were no airplanes or helicopters in the olden days. He was a mechanical engineer, he looked after machinery that got used in the war. He went to Gallipoli, The Western desert, Egypt, The Balkans and Western Europe. He got injured and went to hospital in London, then he went AWOL (absent without leave) left without permission and got his pay docked. At the end of the war he became a sergeant. He never talked about the war.
My Mums grandpa was in the Vietnam war. He was a doctor and he helped with operations on civilians but not soldiers.
My Dads Grandad was in the army in world war two but he wasn’t allowed to go to war because he is colour blind like my Dad.
My Nanas Mum was in world war two. She worked in the munitions factory and made bombs, it was a very dangerous job. She gave them to the soldiers in the war. India Y3 R9
Whānau Waiheke Y5
- Remy S made this pyramid made of ice block sticks found at home
- Sonja H challenged herself to make cookies this week
- Annabel G’s pretty poppy’s for ANZAC Day
- Kaylene L learning about drawing 3D shapes
Whānau Rakino Y6
To see more examples of Torbay School’s Learning click here