Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
Thank you for all your messages of support as we find new ways to deliver school to your children in your homes. I can only congratulate our staff for the enthusiastic way they have approached this challenge and the creativity and innovation they are showing on a daily basis. Their work has been outstanding.
We know that many of you will be dealing with your own challenges regarding online learning. Please reach out so we can help solve any issues, we want as many children as possible engaging. This week we have delivered over 60 devices to families within our community. This has been a huge logistical task and I want to acknowledge Katie Hills for her tireless work to make it happen. If you still require technical support in any way, please contact Katie – and if you still need a device please let us know.
As you will be aware the Government has signaled that schools will be opening as we move into level 3. This announcement has created many questions for us about what this will look like as we deal with a mixture of online learning and face to face learning and about the health and safety of both children and staff. We currently do not have the answers to those questions and the education sector is involved in key meetings with the Government today. We have passed on our concerns and questions to the Principal’s representatives in that meeting and we hope to have a little more clarity by the end of the day.
What we do know is that we will require information to help inform our structure when we do return. We will be shortly asking you via a survey as to whether your children will be returning to school as we enter level 3. We will send this survey once we have a bit more clarity around the Government’s view of what they might expect. It is very important that you respond to this survey once it is published.
I would also ask that you hold off any questioning to our staff about the return to school as they will not be able to effectively answer them. We will provide you with a clear outline of the process once we have designed our Level 3 version of Torbay School.
In the meantime, I urge you to continue to support your children with their online learning and continue to engage with our teachers when and where you can. You are doing a fabulous job!
Take care and be kind!
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the students who have shared their fantastic online learning with us this week, Awesome work!
ANZAC DAY SERVICE – SATURDAY 25th APRIL 2020 – The RSA and New Zealand Defence Force would like you to join them to remember those who given their lives for our country. This is a time to pay respect and acknowledge the many thousands of our military people who are serving or have served, who are called upon to support New Zealand in times of war, conflict and disasters. Join us at 6:00 am on Saturday 25 April. Stand at your letterbox, at the front door, in your lounge rooms, balconies, in your driveway. Wherever you are in the world, stand with us and take a moment to remember our fallen – but please stay within your ‘bubble’. For more information please visit
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS ISSUE 2 – Scholastic is currently closed while we are in Level 4 lock down. If you ordered from Issue 2, these orders will be sent out after the lock down is lifted and when Scholastic has re-opened. Thank you for your understanding.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – If your child plays sports for the school and you would like to purchase one
they are available on the online shop under the sports tab. We have extended the closing date for orders to Wednesday 6th May @ 3pm. This is the first order for 2020. There will only be one other opportunity to purchase a sports hoodie later in Term 3. These hoodies can be worn at any Torbay School sports event (Rippa, Netball Tournaments etc) but not as a replacement for our school uniform.
YUMMY STICKERS – If you enjoy eating yummy fruit then please collect your yummy stickers on a collection sheet, if you don’t have a official sheet please save your stickers on a plain piece of paper and return to the office when the school re-opens. Every sheet provides awesome sports gear for our tamariki to enjoy at school!
Term 2 started with a fun ‘Crazy hair day’ which the Staff at Torbay School couldn’t help themselves by joining in! A special thanks to Mrs Kelly for putting this fun video together! To watch it again click here!
Here are a few photos of our school whānau who got very creative with their ‘Crazy Hair’, please click here to view the whole gallery.
Check out some of the awesome work our learners have been doing at home!
Whānau Tiritiri Y0/1
Whānau Rangitoto Y2
- By Jake T – Rm 3
- By Anine V – Rm 3
- By Tom P – Rm 3
- By Jake P – Rm 3
Whānau Kawau Y3
Whānau Motuihe Y4
Whānau Waiheke Y5
Monika doing the online Body Balance class! Great balance Monika!!!