Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
It is important that in times of uncertainty that we as adults try our best to remain calm and protect our children from unnecessary stress and trauma. This is not always easy when you are faced with difficult circumstances yourself. One of the key elements in doing this is to deal in the facts and ensure that we get good information from reliable sources.
With this in mind, I would like to share with you a fact information sheet focused on practical advice on how to deal with children in times of uncertainty, such as, what we are currently facing.
This document has some extremely good advice about how to work with children and not just in times of stress such as we face now. Giving time and clarity to children is vital for their wellbeing at all times, they need your time and attention and they need clarity around what are sometimes complex issues.
One of the particularly important issues this document deals with is how we treat others. Please emphasise this as it is very important for us here at school that all children feel safe and supported.
Avoid blaming others
- Explain that sometimes people blame others for events they cannot control, but that this is not correct behaviour.
- Avoid stereotyping any one group of people as responsible for the virus.
- Report any bullying or negative comments you are aware of at your children’s school or early learning service.
- Be aware of the influence that other adults with different attitudes on COVID-19 have on your children. You may have to explain to them that some people have different values from the ones that you and your children will follow.
It also includes a link to a video produced by Dr Michelle Dickinson (Nanogirl) which is a terrific resource to use with your children.
See it here
In the meantime I would like to congratulate our staff for continuing to deliver an interesting and vibrant programme for our children every day of the week. We are working hard to continue to provide a safe nurturing environment and appreciate your support in this endeavour.
Thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to contact me on any issue. My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following student who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Myra K Rm 15 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Freya & Leila Rm 1, David W & Eden Rm 2, Jake & Jay Rm 3, Abdullah & Edith Rm 4, Laine & Annabel Rm 5, Harry & Olivia Rm 6, Indie & Caitlyn Rm 7, Isabella & Quinn Rm 8, Alex & Ishmaiah Rm 9, Oliver & David Rm 10, Lachlan & Emma Rm 11, Lea & Mateo Rm 13, Taymen & Eva Rm 14, Milla & Liam Rm 15, Maite & Ryder Rm 17, Deon & Maddie D, Rm 18, Grace & Matthew Rm 19, Cameron G & Ethan D Rm 20, Ollie & Rita Rm 21, Dar, Ian, Alesha & Maia Rm 22, Jacques & Jaime Rm 23, Claudio & Paige, Rm 24, Fern & Annabel Rm 25 Well done everyone!
CONGRATULATIONS to all the Year 6 Peer Mediators that have been selected for this role, please visit our online shop to purchase a display book that is required for this role. You will find this under the ‘Miscellaneous’ section.
MARCH 2020 ROLL RETURN – On Monday 2 March 2020 we were required to complete our Roll Return for the Ministry of Education which are due back now. If your child was absent from school that day we require a note or email URGENTLY to the school office with an explanation.
MEETINGS – The next Parent Helper Training will be on Monday 24th March at 9am in the staffroom. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th March @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 8th June @ 9.30am in the staffroom.
WACKY WEDNESDAY— END OF TERM GOLD COIN DONATION MUFTI DAY, 8th APRIL 2020, Come in your wackiest gear! From clothes to hair we want to see it! More info to come soon!
PTA SAUSAGE SIZZLE – FRIDAY 3rd APRIL **Please note date change** The End of Term Sausage Sizzle will now be held on Friday 3rd April (the last Friday of term – noting that Term 1 ends the following Wednesday). Please note gluten free is available (both sausages and bread). The sausages are $2 each and can be ordered from the online shop before Wednesday 1st April at 2pm. Please note: We have always had very thorough cleaning, hygiene and food safety processes when handling, cooking and delivering sausages for the end of term sausage sizzle. To ensure we are doing as much as we can, we’ll be wearing gloves when handling all food, washing hands before and during the cooking and assembling of the sausages and will be encouraging children through the help of their teachers to ensure hand washing and/or using hand sanitiser in their classroom before eating.
Y5 CAMP 2020 – 18th – 20th March 2020 – The year 5 tamariki are on camp this week! We look forward to hearing all about their adventures at camp when they get back! ENJOY!!!
Y3 SLEEPOVER POSTPONED – Friday 3rd April 2020 – Unfortunately, due to the issues around Covid-19 Coronavirus we will be postponing our year 3 outdoor education and sleepover which was to be held in week 9. We thank you for your offers of support and assistance for this event and are hoping that we can reschedule it for later in the year.
SWIMMING CARNIVAL POSTPONED – Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the Senior Swimming Carnival that was due to happen on the 24th March, has been postponed. We will be looking at a date later in the year to run this event with the Year 5/6 students. Thank you for your understanding.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS ISSUE 2 – Lucky book club order forms have gone home – closing date for orders is Wednesday 23rd March @3pm. Every order provides valuable resources for our library and other book resources for our school.
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – Reminder that all pool keys need to be returned to the school office by the end of this term. Please note: The school pool will be closed for public use from Wednesday 8th April at 3pm and all keys must be returned by that date to receive the bond refund.
PHOTOLIFE PORTRAITS/CLASS PHOTOS/SIBLING PHOTOS – FRIDAY 29th MAY 2020 PhotoLife will be visiting our school on Friday 29th May. Every child will be photographed individually and in their class group. When photos are ready for printing students will bring home their own unique shoot key. Simply follow the steps to view and purchase your photos. Sibling photo request forms can be collected from the office in Term 2. Please complete ONE form for EACH family and return to school before photo day.
TORBAY SCHOOL SPORTS HOODIE ORDER – If your child plays sports for the school and you would like to purchase one they are available on the online shop under the sports tab. Orders will be closing on Tuesday 7th April @ 3pm. This is the first order for 2020. There will only be one other opportunity to purchase a sports hoodie later in Term 3. These hoodies can be worn at any Torbay School sports event (Rippa, Netball Tournaments etc) but not as a replacement for our school uniform.
WHEELS DAY – Wheels day is on every Friday for all Y1-5 learners. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE. Please note: Wheels day is ONLY on Waterwise days which is weather dependent.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on Thurs 26th March from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell, especially if they have a fever, cough or sore throat. Learners must be clear of vomiting/diarrhoea for 24 hours before they are permitted back to school.
FINAL REMINDER – Our Mother’s Day fundraiser closes TOMORROW at 2pm.
Due to COVID-19 Unfortunately Browns Bay Preschool Reunion has been POSTPONED until further notice.
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.