Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
I would like to thank our community for the way in which they have responded to the challenges presented by Coronavirus. We are currently asking any students who have arrived in New Zealand from any of the category 1 countries; Mainland China, Republic of Korea, Northern Italy and Iran to not attend school and to self-isolate. We also ask that if students have arrived from Category 2 countries Hong Kong, Italy (other than Northern Italy), Japan, Singapore or Thailand and display any symptoms of illness then they should also self-isolate.
It has been pleasing to see the way in which our community have responded and continue to treat each other with respect and compassion. We will continue to monitor the situation very closely and inform you of any developments or further precautionary measures.
In the meantime, I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to instil in our children and practice ourselves, the simple hygiene measures outlined in our previous guidelines.
- hand hygiene – that is, washing hands regularly with soap and water, or cleansing with hand sanitiser
- staying at home if you are sick
- coughing or sneezing into a tissue or your elbow and then performing hand hygiene
- cleaning surfaces regularly.
Visit The Ministry of Health Website for advice and updates.
Volunteers – I would also like to thank all those people who have volunteered over the last five weeks in so many different ways. Without you volunteering we can’t run programmes like PMP, Waterwise, Garden to Table, Sports teams, Camps or Class trips. The level of involvement in our first five weeks of school has been terrific and this has enabled us to provide full and interesting programmes for your children.
As the second half of the term comes around, we often see a drop off in volunteering as the pressures of work and family life kick in. If you do have some time to spare and you would like to help in any of our programmes, please let us know as there is so much to do and your help will be appreciated!
Our Waterwise programme has got off to a wonderful start this year with three perfect days at Waiake Beach. This is a programme that totally relies on a large number of volunteers and as the second half of the term approaches, we know that we will struggle to get the numbers. If you have a Friday free then I urge you to join our Year 6 team in what is a really rewarding activity. It is wonderful to visit the beach on a Friday and see the parents, grand parents and other community members “giving back.” Thank you to you all. If you can help please email Melissa Craig
PTA – We had our first official PTA meeting on Wednesday evening in the staff room and it was wonderful to see both new and old faces around the table. We have a terrific group and plans for fundraising and social events are well under way. Congratulations and thanks to Melissa Clark (Chairperson) Vicki Byard (Secretary) and Vanya Foskett (Treasurer) who were elected to these positions. I really look forward to working with the PTA again this year.
Whānau Feedback – I thank you for your attendance at our Whānau Feedback meetings. As you know the format and purpose of these meetings changed from previous years and we hope the opportunity for some one on one time with your child’s teacher was valuable. The feedback I have received from teachers has been very positive and they certainly valued the opportunity to learn more about your children. If you have any feedback on any aspect of the meetings and the changed purpose and format I would welcome it. Please feel free to email me on this topic.
Building – Yesterday we met with the Ministry and the appointed contractors for our new building project and it is now certain that there will be a start on the project this month. This is very exciting but will of course bring with it challenges. The first of these will be parking around and near the school. Please in the coming weeks consider how your children get to school and try to minimise the amount of traffic we have in the mornings and afternoons.
Sport – Many of our sports teams are underway and I look forward to getting out and watching the children play. Thank you to all those who have put up their hands to coach and manage these teams. A particularly big thank you to Monika Benkovic for her work in providing sporting opportunities for our children. This is an enormously busy time of year for her and she works tirelessly to make sure that every child that wants to play sport gets that opportunity.
Monika has worked very hard to put new systems in place for registration and to make information available on our website and through regular newsletters and communications. Answering emails is a time-consuming job. Please use these systems and read the information carefully to ensure that we keep the number of email queries to a minimum. The answers to many questions are already in the information available.
I thank you for your continued support with everything we do here at Torbay. Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter.
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Jake P, Pyper S, Flynn B & Sophia W Rm 3, Brody G Rm 7, Luca M, Eddie E, Tilly S, Brooke A-M, Kaila W & Mia B Rm 9 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Isy & Emily J Rm 1, Isabela & David C Rm 2, Hunter & Mahera Rm 3, Alex & Violet Rm 4, Tia & Sophia W Rm 4, Jay & Ruby Rm 6, Levine & Queena Rm 7, Marlon & Aria Rm 8, Viggo & Brooke Rm 9, Claire & Jacob Rm 11, Indiana & Michael Rm 13, Kezia & Liam F Rm 14, Mason & Ashton Rm 15, Adrian & Mika Rm 16, Chloe & Liam Rm 17, Wendy & Owen Rm 18, Cameron P & Amber Rm 19, Taya & Axel Rm 20, Caleb & Zayra Rm 21, Sonja & Agnes Rm 23, Rose & Mason Rm 25. Well done everyone!
Y6 STUDENT LEADERS – Congratulations to the following students who were selected for 2020: Emily C, Koby S, Ella C, Tiger Z, Kyla M, Ella-Mae J, Emil M, Charlie F, Imogen A, Cruz S, Chloe G, Kimiora-Dior P, Harlan P, Codi R, Seth L, Nathan S, Olivia R, Loren B, Nathan B, Jessica E, Jamie N, Abigail B, Betty S, Caitlin D. Ka Pai guys!
MARCH 2020 ROLL RETURN – On Monday 2 March 2020 we were required to complete our Roll Return for the Ministry of Education. Please note that if your child was absent from school that day we require a note or email to the school office with an explanation.
MEETINGS – The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 9th March @ 9.30am in the staffroom. The next Parent Helper Training will be on Monday 24th March at 9am in the staffroom. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th March @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
Y5 CAMP 2020 – 18th – 20th March 2020. Payment for camp was due last Friday, please pay this asap if you haven’t already spoken to the office about this. More information will be coming home soon. Please see your child’s homeroom teacher if you have any questions about the Y5 camp.
Y3 SLEEPOVER – Friday 3rd April 2020 – All parents/caregivers have been sent a notice by email and Seesaw about the sleepover along with the link to the online registration and payment. Please complete the online form ASAP. Information about the 2 EOTC days (Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd) will come home soon. We will need parent help for both.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS ISSUE 1 – for those who ordered from Issue 1 the books have now gone home with your child/ren. Thank you very much for your support. Every order provides valuable resources for our library and other book resources for our school.
UNIFORM – ALL NAMED PLEASE Throughout the term our lost property area becomes overwhelmed! To help with this, clearly naming all items including hats makes it easy for us to return them to their owners. We appreciate your assistance with this.
WHEELS DAY – Wheels day is on every Friday for all Y1-5 learners. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE. Please note: Wheels day is ONLY on Waterwise days which is weather dependent.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on Thurs 26th March from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever. For more information about fevers please click here Learners must be clear of vomiting/diarrhoea for 24 hours before they are permitted back to school.
SWIMMING POOL – All learners with open sores are unable to use the swimming pool. No wounds with dressings and/or plasters are permitted in the pool.
Here is some great work by our Tiritiri new entrants!
Long Bay College – The College invites you to read the first 2020 issue of ‘Wavelength’, the College’s newsletter. February highlights include: A celebration of the school’s former student and staff member, Georgia Hale who has now earned the title of Young New Zealander of the Year! Record-breaking academic results for NCEA in 2019. Tips for proactively managing social media. Please find all the news here:
Do you want to gain new friends, grow your leadership skills and make a difference to a young girl?
GirlGuiding New Zealand is looking for new volunteers to help run amazing Guiding programmes in Torbay. If you want to give a few hours of your time to help a young woman gain confidence and learn some life skills, visit us at: or email Jenny on to chat about the different options available.
Good as New Pre Loved Kids Autumn Market, Saturday 14 March
Orewa Community Center
9am – 12 noon.
45+ stalls selling quality 2nd hand kids Clothes, Toys, Furniture and Accessories
Inquiries 0274 707 151
Our Facebook page is
Don’t miss the FIRST Northern Mystics home game of the 2020 ANZ Premiership against the Good Oil Tactix. For this game ONLY they will be playing at Eventfinda Stadium, Wairau Valley, North Shore.
Doors Open: 3pm Centre Pass: 4.10pm
Team Ticket Pass: 10 tickets for only $130 – great value as this averages at only $13 per ticket
Use Promo CODE: SCHOOLS20 and receive a $5 discount off Adult tickets
Tickets on sale now at:
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.