Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
The year has got off to a great start and I enjoy walking through the school and witnessing the terrific work that is going on in our classrooms.
Thank you to all those that attended our Meet the Teacher picnic last week. It was lovely to see so many parents here at school. I hope you found it worthwhile and managed a bit of family time as well.
Whānau Feedback
Next week we are holding our Whānau Feedback meetings. This is an opportunity for you to connect with your child’s teacher and share anything that you think is important for the teacher to know. The teacher will also provide initial feedback to you and may discuss goals for the coming year. Whānau Feedback bookings are open and you should have received a communication providing the link and a login to make those bookings.
Donations and Fees
You should have received a statement of your account with the school via email yesterday, if you did not then we do not have your correct email address. Please contact the office to rectify this. While it is important for the school to get all of the fees and donations in as quickly as possible we are well aware of the pressure placed on families at this time of year to pay for school donations and fees for various activities. Please contact us if you would like to establish a payment plan.
Waterwise for year 6 started last week in outstanding conditions and the children had a wonderful day down at Waiake Beach. Thank you to all those parents and grandparents who volunteered to help, without you this activity cannot happen. I would also like to acknowledge our staff who have put the programme together, their work is outstanding.
The Sailing component of the Waterwise programme is an extracurricular activity and we ask a fee for participation, that fee has been requested and we ask that is paid promptly. You will receive a notice shortly giving you a deadline for payment. Following that deadline those children who have not paid will be unable to participate.
Road safety
Please do not park on the double yellow lines surrounding our school. They are placed there to protect our children and need to be observed. Please also ensure you use the pedestrian crossings to cross the roads, by crossing in other locations you put your children at risk and set a poor example for our children. I know I am only talking to a small number of parents and thank you to all those that set good examples and obey the road rules.
Our PTA is holding a 2020 Launch Party this evening at 5.30pm. Our PTA is a vital cog at Torbay School and not only creates fundraising opportunities but creates events that bring our community together. This is an opportunity to get involved and if you are a new parent to the school it will be an opportunity to meet others. This is a bring your own refreshment affair and the PTA will have the BBQ fired up and the Pool open if your children wish to swim.
Our new building project is almost ready to start, the builder has been appointed and we will be involved in initial setup and health and safety meetings and shortly after that construction will begin. The building programme will mean that our top car park will be closed and therefore many of our staff will need to park on the road. This will put further pressure on at the start and end of the school day. Please consider this when deciding how your children get to and from school.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on any matter. My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Zeke W, Zachary L & William M Rm 10, Mila C & Lydia A Rm 21 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Jordan & Mackai Rm 1, Rihanna & Garrett Rm 2, Avleen, Max P, Jayin & Tobias Rm 3, Jaxon, Samantha, Ethan P & Lexie Rm 4, Nate, Lily B, Cameron & Ethan Rm 5, Leo, Greta, Ethan G & Archer Rm 6, Hudson, Gwynnie, Hollie & Thomas Rm 7, Zane & Maggie Rm 8, Ari & Jason Rm 9, Puma, Morne’, Zeke & Benji Rm 10, Dodo, Julie & Bella Rm 11, Dylan & Zoe Rm 13, Alyza, Isabella, Louis F & Cara Rm 14, Xander & Shanelle Rm 15, Savannah & Mia Rm 16, Koji, Malika, Monty & Abigail Rm 17, Henry & Abby G Rm 18, Jayden B & Eden Rm 19, Jamie & Abigail Rm 20, John & Mila Rm 21, Eddie & Sophie Rm 22, Bianca, Connor F Rm 23, Brayden & Blake Rm 24, Sienna & Amy Rm 25 Well done everyone!
PTA LAUNCH PARTY – PTA BBQ and Social Evening! TONIGHT – Thursday Feb 20th 5.30pm Anyone interested is welcome to attend, there will be sausages on the bbq and the pool will be open so kids – brings your togs!! Parents BYO as well as your drinks for the kids. So we know how many bangers to whack on the barbie please indicate here if you plan to attend and how many you’ll bring along There will be adult supervision at the pool so you can kick back and relax with a drink and a sausage. We look forward to seeing you there.
WHĀNAU FEEDBACK EVENINGS – Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th February from 3.20pm – 6.30pm. Booking information has been sent home with your child/ren. To book please visit and follow the prompts: Event Code: jp95d. If you have multiple teachers to see on the day please remember to allow sufficient time between appointments to move to each classroom. We appreciate that not everyone has access to the internet so please call Natasha Derksen on 473 8603 between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm to arrange this.
MEETINGS – The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 9th March @ 9.30am in the staffroom. The next Parent Helper Training will be on Monday 24th March at 9am in the staffroom. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th March @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
Y5 CAMP 2020 – The Year 5 camp will be held at Shakespear Lodge on 18th – 20th March 2020. All student consent forms have been sent home and need to be returned by Friday 21st February. If you have not returned your consent form please do so ASAP. Thank you for those who have already paid for camp, payment for this is due and statements have been emailed out. We appreciate everyone that has volunteered to help with camp. By now all our volunteers should have received the necessary forms to complete. Please return these to your teacher or drop them off at the school office. Also a REMINDER that we have a Y5 Camp parent information evening on Monday 24th February at 6.30pm in the Staffroom.
SWIMMING – As swimming is a compulsory part of the New Zealand Curriculum, all learners are expected to swim on their classroom swim days. If you are unsure which day your child(ren) swim, please ask their teacher.
MUD KITCHEN – We are in need of pots, pans, wooden spoons and other kitchen utensil/items to be donated for our new mud kitchen which is located next to the sandpit. If you are able to donate any of these items please drop them off to Mrs Ye in Room 11. Thank you!
FOOTBALL – Due to unforeseen circumstances FFC Academy Limited will not longer be providing any after school programs at our school . They wish to thank for your support during the years.
WDHB VISION AND HEARING will be visiting on Friday 3rd April 2020. Any children that are due to be seen will be seen on this day.
WHEELS DAY – Wheels day is on every Friday for all Y1-5 learners. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE. Please note: Wheels day is ONLY on Waterwise days which is weather dependent.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS – Issue 1 has now closed. Orders will be sent home with your child in the next few weeks.
YUMMY STICKERS – Don’t forget to keep collecting your yummy stickers. If you require a new sheet you can collect one from the school office.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following dates: Thurs 5th March and Thurs 26th March from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever. Learners must be clear of vomiting/diarrhoea for 24 hours before they are permitted back to school.
All learners with open sores are unable to use the swimming pool. No wounds with dressings and/or plasters are permitted in the pool.
A reminder that all visitors to the school must sign in at the office, except during 8.30-8.55am and 2.45-3.15pm.
The trees on the Torbay School site have all been assessed and maintained where necessary to ensure that they are safe for the children to climb. Designated trees can be climbed at morning tea and lunchtime only. NO SIGN NO CLIMB!
Rhythmic Gymnastics Open Day! Come along and have a go!
Xtreme Rhythmix is offering a “Have A Go Day” for beginners in rhythmic gymnastics in the Eventfinda Stadium complex on Monday 24th February from 3:30-5:00pm. Come along and learn fun skills with ropes, hoops, balls, clubs and ribbons. See if rhythmic gymnastics is the sport for you!
Beginner classes are available every day at Eventfinda Stadium and on a range of days at our other facilities (Albany, Glamorgan School, Glenfield College and Marist College in Mt Albert). Email for more information or just turn up on the 24th of February and join in the fun!
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.