Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
I would like to officially announce that Allanah Johnston has secured a teaching position at Orewa College commencing January 2020. I would like to congratulate Allanah on her appointment and thank her for her three years of great work here at Torbay School. Allanah has contributed a great deal to our school. She has not only been a terrific classroom teacher but has led our Arts team, has lead our weekly assemblies for the last year and taken a very active role in almost anything that is happening at school. I know you will all join me in wishing her all the very best in her new role at Orewa.
Vanessa Mitschak and Sarah Kilkolly have been appointed to Across School Lead roles in our Kāhui Ako. Vanessa has been in this role for two years and Sarah has just recently been appointed. Congratulations to them both. These are influential positions and require Vanessa and Sarah to work for two days a week across the seven schools involved in our Kāhui Ako. We have decided to use Sarah and Vanessa as expert teachers next year during the three days each week we have them for. This means they will work across our school with various year groups and help introduce new ideas and expert practice into all of our classrooms. We are very excited by the possibilities this change provides us.
Sam Boriboun has also won a study scholarship for next year and will be taking the majority of the year off on leave to complete his Masters Degree.
I would also like to thank Laura Patey who will be finishing at the end of the year. Laura has worked all across our school providing cover for Teachers during their non contact time. This is a very challenging job and we’d like to thank Laura for her terrific work this year.
As a result of these changes and our significant role growth this year we have four new teachers joining our Staff:
Jack Coyle is a beginning teacher who has recently completed a teaching practicum here at Torbay School and will be teaching in Year 6 next year.
Lachlan Freeland is also a beginning teacher who has completed two teaching practicums here at Torbay and he will be teaching in Year 5.
Jon Bettin is an experienced Teacher who joins us from Stanmore Bay School and he will also be teaching in Year 6.
Paula Christian comes to us from Pinehaven School in Upper Hutt and brings with her a wealth of experience in a number of areas. Paula will Lead the Year 4 Team starting in 2020.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new staff and look forward to working with them in the years ahead.
Our Organisation for 2020 is outlined below.
Gary O’Brien – Principal.
Katie Hills – Deputy Principal.
Glenys Harwood – Deputy principal.
Year 6: Team Leader – Linda Urwin, Jon Bettin, Jack Coyle and Danielle Brown: (Rooms 16 -20)
Year 5: Team Leader – Renee Heasley, Lachlan Freeland, Megan McIntosh, Alyce Debenham: (Rooms 24, 25, 1 and 2)
Year 4: Team Leader – Paula Christian, Ingrid Cooper and Cathy Morron: (Rooms 21 – 23)
Year 3: Team Leader – Joanne Northover, Aubrey Orne-Adams, Rebecca Buchanan (4 days), Paulette Noone (1 day), Lorelle Koya: (Rooms 7 -10)
Year 2: Team Leader – Nikki MacBeth, Jennifer Dawe, Nic Davis, Claire Kelly: (Rooms 3 – 6)
Year 1: Team Leader – Susan Ye, Melissa Craig, Jenny Southward, Kylie Wilson, Keri Lesorgen: (Rooms 11 – 16)
Vanessa Mitschak – Kāhui Ako Across School Lead and Specialist Classroom Teacher
Sarah Kilkolly – Kāhui Ako Across School Lead and Specialist Classroom Teacher
Monika Benkovic – Physical Education Teacher and Sports Coordinator.
Paulette Noone – 1 Day in Year 3 and 4 Days covering classroom release.
Rosanne McHugh – Will also cover classroom release.
We have a wonderfully strong team and I thank them for all their hard work in 2019 and look forward eagerly to what we can achieve in 2020.
I thank you for your continued support of our school and all we do here, please do not hesitate to contact me about any matter.
My email address
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KA PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Che J & Finley D Rm 1, Kaylene L & Agnes K, Rm 2, Nick S Rm 6, Harley S Rm 11b, Alex C, Elijah B, Abdullah S, Lily B & Ella C Rm 16, Shaun B Rm 19, Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Che, Harper, Niamh & Franki Rm 1, Kieran, Tillie, Taitum & Brody Rm 2, Todd, Tiger, Taya & Dimi Rm 3, Caitlin, Max P-S, Deon & Harlan Rm 5, Olivia, Nathan, Abby, Sophia & Kevin Rm 6, Lawrence, Dante, Soa & Baxter Rm 7, Mila, Luke, Ruby & Sienna Rm 8, Emma & Connor Rm10, Michael P, Markus, Lucca & Savannah Rm 11, Harley S, Milla, Payton & Ethan Rm 11b, Erin, Laine, Yoyo & Sam Rm 12, Olivia, Tom & Ruby Rm 13, Ellie & Ethan P Rm 14, Samira, Jack, Jay J & Samantha Rm 15, Talen, Sophia L, Nate & Avleen Rm 16, Carla, Nikita & Kenzie Rm 17, Cadence, Josh, Noe & Indie Rm 18, Emily Y, Kostya Rm 19, Xavier, Ari, Toby M & Thomas Rm 21, William, Rowan, Isaac & Brooke Rm 22, Gwynnie, Jacob, Michael & Amelie Rm 23, Sienna & Georgia Rm 24, Tristan & Natalie Rm 25 Well done!!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th December @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
THANK YOU COMMUNITY MORNING TEA – We had a great turn out at our Community Thank you Morning Tea. It was great to see all the wonderful school whānau that have been helping us throughout the year!
MUFTI DAY – FRIDAY 29TH NOVEMBER The year 6’s are raising money for their Graduation and Christmas parcels for families we wish to support. Can you help us? Drinks and morning tea will be available to buy—everything will be 50c. Can you help us by allowing your child/ren to bring or bake something at home for sale at school on Friday morning? We would appreciate any contributions of biscuits, popcorn, cupcakes and slices etc. Please bring food to the office. Your support is much appreciated! Please remember if you come in Mufti a gold coin donation is requested.
TEACHER ONLY DAY – PROFESSIONAL LEARNING – A reminder that we will be having a Teacher Only Day on Monday, 9th December. The school will be closed for learners on this day. Fun Club will be open. Please contact Sandie or Thelma on 021 399 626 to book in.
CELEBRATION OF LEARNING AWARDS CEREMONY- THURSDAY 12TH DECEMBER Awards ceremony will be held @ 1.30pm in School Hall. All welcome.
Y6 GRADUATION – THURSDAY 19TH DECEMBER – Y6 Graduation will be held on Thursday 19th December in the School Hall. Invitations will come home soon with more information. Please note: Due to capacity reasons only Y6 students and their parents are invited, if you have any queries please contact Glenys Harwood
WATERWISE INSTRUCTORS COURSE TERM 1 2020 – In order to deliver our Waterwise programme we rely heavily on parents to come and help instruct. Without these parents we would not be able to continue running Waterwise. Every year we lose parents due to their children going on to Intermediate and therefore need to train new instructors in Term 1 and 4. This is to let you know that the Term 1 course is going to commence at the beginning of 2020
Monday 3rd February – Theory Night 6.30pm-9pm Awatuna Scout Den
Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th February – Practical Days Waiake Beach
Save day for weather – Friday 7th February
Saturday 8th February 8.30 – finish TBA – Knowledge Test and Practical component
This course will take place at Awatuna Scout Den in Torbay and Waiake Beach.
If we have an influx of parents/caregivers wanting to train the names will go into a ballot and you will be contacted via email. Once you have qualified as a Torbay School Waterwise Instructor you will be given more information about your role and responsibility as a Waterwise Instructor. Torbay School will pay to send you on this training course. However, we do ask that you make yourself available to come and instruct on as many Fridays throughout Terms 1 and 4 where possible. If you would like to take part in this training please email me by the 6th December 2019 – Melissa Craig, TIC Torbay School Waterwise
TORBAY SCHOOL WALKING SCHOOL BUS – You’re invited to….. A Pizza Party for all walking school bus walkers, volunteers, parents and siblings!
Where: Outside the school tuck shop
When: After school Friday 6th December, 3.30pm
Please send any requests, dietary requirements and RSVP’s through to Keryn @ to ensure we have enough pizza. Thanks!
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – We are almost sold out so to avoid disappointment don’t delay and get yours asap. Cost $100.00 hire plus $20 refundable key bond (Total $120)
NOTE: These will not be able to be purchased through the online shop.
(Sorry, no waiting list for keys and no keys will be issued until the pool contract is completed.)
- Teachers will let you know which days your child is swimming.
- This year swimming caps must be worn for students who have shoulder length hair or longer.
- We encourage everyone to wear swim caps to keep our pool free from hair.
- You can purchase fabric caps from $3.00 from a variety of retail stores like Kmart.
- A shower will also be installed for all swimmers to use prior to entering the pool.
- We also ask that you do not use beach toys in the pool.
We had several problems last year with hair and sand blocking our filtration plant causing us to close the pool on several occasions. Hopefully these new measures will ensure an uninterrupted swimming season.
Pool is open to the public who have keys from 4pm – 7pm on weekdays (3-4pm is used for cleaning and balancing the pool.) and weekends and holidays 9am – 8.30pm.
Please supervise your children at all times in our school pool. The Pool is under 24 hour camera surveillance for your security.
HATS & SUNBLOCK- Hats are now compulsory for students to play outside in the playground. Please ensure all hats are named. All lost hats are kept in the office. New school hats are available from Janbells, Mairangi Bay and the school office. As it is getting warmer, please sunblock your children every morning. Thanks for your support of being Sun Safe.
ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK TOMORROW Please return any outstanding books!
All aboard the Torbay School Polar Express
Ann Emerson from Harcourts Browns Bay has donated some ‘One FREE Entry’ cards to the Harcourts Cooper & Co Takapuna Beach Series happening every Tuesday. If you would like one you can collect from the school office – this is on a first in first served basis. For more information on the event please visit
With only 3 weeks of school left in 2019 all sports leagues are approaching their final stages.
Our 2 Flippaball teams have 2 games left in their league. Torbay Dolphins have been having a great term and so far won 4 out of their 5 games. Megalodons have encountered some tough opposition but they are displaying some great resilience and improving hugely.
There is only 1 game left for our 12 touch rugby teams. For some children this was the first time playing touch. It can be hard sometimes playing against teams who are more advanced but it is always a learning opportunity and it will all pay off next season I am sure. The coaches are doing an amazing job, dedicating their time to training and encouraging children during the games. We thank you for all your hard work, our children from all year levels 1 to 6 have gained some valuable skills and experiences and for this we are very grateful.
With only 2 more games left to go for Little League, Miniball and Basketball teams. The games are very exciting to watch as children made astounding progress. Our teams play on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons so please come down to Browns Bay Leisure Centre to support Torbay this week or next week for the finals.
This Saturday marks the last games of the Netball Spring league (Y1-5) and to celebrate their last games and a very successful year, teams can come in dress up, swap players and place them in any position they wish. Come and watch the fun happen on Saturday 30th November at Kidzplay Netball, Pinehurst School.
Wednesday 27th November was the last night and Theme Your Team night for Y6 netball. Everyone had heaps of fun and celebrated end of netball for 2019.
Torbay School hockey teams have 2 games to go, the final game on the 9th December. The games are played in Rosedale at North Harbour Hockey stadium, come along to watch our Y1-6 teams displaying some pretty impressive skills during their last games for the 2019 season.
Thank you again to everyone for supporting, transporting and encouraging your children to take part in sport, without you, this would not be possible.
Helpful websites:,,,,
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Ka pai to our amazing Kapa Haka tamariki who performed at the Onepoto Festival last week. Thank you to everyone involved. Teachers, Tutors and students. We are so incredibly proud of you!
We are hosting a free water safety day at St Marys Bay on Saturday 23rd November from 2-6pm. We have free kayaking, supping and sailing and lots of Aquatic Based activities and prizes.