Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou katoa
I am looking forward to seeing you at our first ever Torbay Challenge on Saturday, we have over 300 participants registered to take part and are expecting more on the day. It is not too late to get online and register. All fundraising can be done online at just head to this page and register your child for the event.
We still need volunteers on the day to help monitor the children as they traverse the obstacles. We are looking forward to a fun filled day, bring a picnic along, hopefully the weather will smile on us and enjoy a great community day out.
Placement for 2020
I would like to reiterate that as we head towards the end of the year planning is well underway for 2020. It is the time for parents to contact us with requests regarding placement for next year. These requests should be based around our ability to meet any specific needs your child may have whether they be learning, health or well-being issues. While we are aware of many of our children’s needs, there may be something you consider important that we may not be aware of. I would like to emphasise this is not an opportunity to choose your child’s teacher or classroom, or to ensure children stay with their friends, but to inform us of important issues that we should consider when placing your child. Please send these requests direct to me via my email Please ensure this information is to me by the start of next week.
Walk to School
Thanks to all those parents and children who participated in our whole school walking School Bus in week one. We were blessed with a lovely morning and I enjoyed the walk to school with our staff, parents and children. A great big thank you to Jenny Southward for all her work to support the walking school bus and our Travelwise programmes. Jenny is stepping down from this role next year and I would just like to acknowledge the pro-active way in which she has managed Travelwise in the time I have been Principal at Torbay and in the years before that. It is a real pleasure to work with people like Jenny who show so much initiative and who have such wonderful organisational skills. Thank you, Jenny, for all your work.
Unfortunately, our school was burgled early on Tuesday morning and several implements were taken from our caretakers shed. We have CCTV footage of the person involved and the incident occurred shortly after 5am on Tuesday morning as the person left the grounds on foot carrying a chainsaw and a waterblaster. If you were out and about at that time and saw anything suspicious we would like to hear from you. Thank you to the person who picked up the fluorescent road patrol jacket that the burglar used to protect himself from the rain. Thankfully we got that back but we would be interested as to where it was found.
Please do not hesitate to come and see me or drop me an email about any matter, I thank you for your continued support of the school and all we do here at Torbay School.
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Hanson Rm 18, Emily Rm 19, Brayden Rm 24, Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Zirah & Chantelle Rm 1, Leila, Sonja, Luca & Chloe Rm 2, Maia, Abigail, Shrae & Erin Rm 3, John, Andrew, Koji & Paige Rm 4, Teagan, Sean, Abby, Georgia & Cameron P Rm 5, Jayden, Malika, William, Liam, Betty & Eden Rm 6, Eli, Capri, Mikayla & Joel Rm 7, Caleb, Hazel, Eddie & Xulia Rm 8, Tilly, Lachlan, Luca & Yana Rm 9, Xavier, Alesha, Jared & Quentin Rm 10, Jasmine, Elise, Juliet & Jimin R11, Adrian, Michaella, Taylor & Ava, Rm 11b, Jarvis, Tara, Joni & Harley L, Rm 12, Annabel, Delilah, Lucy & Henry, Rm 13, Zahara, Annaliese, Ethan D & Tia, Rm 14, Violet, Travis, Samira & Neva Rm 15, Avleen, Sophia W, Mia & Joel, Rm 16, Arlo, Lola, Paige S & David, Rm 18, Elizabeth, Cameryn, Cooper & William Rm 19, Matteo, Hanro, Marcus & Gavy Rm 21, Memphis, Caitlyn, Emma & Cody Rm 22, Quinn, Kaitlyn, Oliver & Alex M Rm 23, Emily B, Lachie, Dayton, Tally, Emily K,Adam & Elliot Rm 24, Mason, Tatiana, Levi & Amy Rm 25 Well done!!
Yummy Sticker Collection Sheet Certificates: Eddie, Drico & Dylan Ka Pai guys!
WOW Torbay School! Well done on the collection of all of the Yummy Stickers!
We have managed to get $948 which will go directly back into the PE Shed for equipment at lunchtimes.
Thank you so much for all of those that collected throughout the year. What a fantastic result! Please keep the yummy stickers coming in, if you need a sheet to stick them on, just ask your teacher, Miss B or the office for a new sheet!
MEETINGS – The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 18th November @ 9.30am in the staffroom. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th December @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
TEACHER ONLY DAY – PROFESSIONAL LEARNING As part of our Professional Learning for this year we will be having a Teacher Only Day on Monday, 9th December. The school will be closed for learners on this day. Fun Club will be open. Please contact Sandie or Thelma on 021 399 626 to book in.
PHOTOLIFE INDIVIDUAL PHOTO SHOOT MONDAY 11th NOVEMBER – Photolife will be attending to take Individual photos only (no sibling or class photos) for starters after 3rd May 2019 and/or children that were absent on the original photo day. If this applies to your child/ren please ensure they are looking spic and span for their photo.

Once logged in you will see the Home page. From here you can see the Contact details and School Announcements. From here you can also change your edge password.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 7 – Lucky Book Club Order closes TOMORROW (Friday, 1st November) at 3pm. Thank you for your support, with every order our school benefits.
PHOTOLIFE SPORT TEAM/GROUP PHOTOS – Final reminder that our FREE DELIVERY period expires at MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY 3rd November 2019. Place your order within this time frame to receive FREE DELIVERY via the School.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The second hand uniform shop will be open in the hall between 8.30am – 8.55am and 3pm – 3.30pm on Thurs 14th November & Thurs 12th December. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate please drop them at the school office.
KELLY SPORTS TERM 4 CANCELLED– Kelly Sports Basketball & Multi sports programmes has been cancelled for Term 4 at Torbay School due to low enrolments.
SCHOOL POOL KEYS – These will go on sale to our school community from 8.30am Tuesday 19th, November 2019 $100.00 hire plus $20 refundable key bond (Total $120) NOTE: These will not be able to be purchased through the online shop
(Sorry, no waiting list for keys and no keys will be issued until the pool contract is completed.)
All aboard the Torbay School Polar Express
What: Browns Bay Santa Parade
When: Saturday the 7th of December at 5pm.
We are looking for Christmas enthusiasts to join us in making the Torbay School entry great.
If you would like to help with float making or just be part of the parade please us know.
Melissa and Kaye
Time flies when you are having fun and here we are nearly at the end of week 3!
It is great to see that on Monday and Tuesday afternoons the Touch Rugby games are well underway, it is great to see that among all the other schools there, there is always a Torbay School team on the field. Despite encountering some tough opposition we are getting the hang of the game and scoring some impressive tries and startling the opposition.
Y6 Spring Netball teams had some tough games last Wednesday, but learned a lot and still had fun. Y1 teams played their netball games for the first time ever and did an amazing job. All the other year levels also train and play hard while enjoying better netball weather.
We have 4 summer hockey teams with Y1 and Y2 children joining this sport for the first time which is very exciting for our school’s hockey future. If you would like to watch please come to Harbour Hockey in Rosedale on Monday afternoons and maybe you too will join Torbay School hockey in 2020.
Little League, Miniball and Basketball continue their trainings and we keep receiving feedback about the continuous progress the children are making with their skills. We are very grateful to everyone who gives up their time to support trainings and games. Please remind the players to thank their coaches as they are doing an amazing job.
Our 2 Flippaball teams started trainings and games as well, and are learning lots as the quality of Flippaball teams is very high. Anyone who would like to see them can come to AUT Millennium swimming pool on Sunday afternoons to support or see this sport in action.
If you have any outstanding sports fees, please settle these as soon as possible.
Helpful websites:,,,,
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Basketball – Torbay Kiwis: Toby B (18 Oct)
Miniball – Torbay Tornadoes: Caleb M (22 Oct), Dylan B (29 Oct)
Little League – Torbay Bulls: Jagger C (17 Oct) Toby M (24 Oct)
Netball – Torbay Tornadoes: Abby & Chloe (19 Oct)
Touch Rugby – Torbay Rhinos: Louis R (22 Oct), Benji B (29 Oct)
Rainbow Day- A Fundraiser for CanTeen
Our school held a Rainbow Mufti Day on Tuesday 29 October to raise money for CanTeen, an organization that helps 13-24-year-olds dealing with cancer to get back to living their lives. This was part of our Kāhui Ako community fundraising and run by our two Kāhui Ako student leaders Paige S and Wilco.
We would like to thank everyone who came to school dressed in the bright colours of the rainbow and for their donations into the gold bucket. We successfully raised $795 for this very worthy cause.
Prizes will be awarded for entries to the colouring competition.