Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Mālō e lelei / Hello!
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Next week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. I am very proud of the work we are doing at Torbay School to promote and teach Te Reo. We are approaching the development of Te Reo in a number of different ways and it is having a definite effect around the school. It is wonderful to walk around the school and be greeted by teachers, students and parents in Te Reo.
In the past year our school has been profiled on national television and radio highlighting the various techniques we are using. Just this week we have been filmed for an online programme featuring our integration of Te Reo and New Zealand sign language. The benefits to our children are many and varied and our teachers are to be celebrated for putting so much effort into this sector of the curriculum.
Our school production of The story of Māui, the Sun and the Stars, Ko te Pūrakau o Māui rātou ko Te Rā ko Ngā Whetū, is entering its final stages of preparation with rehearsal week next week and production week in week 9 of the term. There will be performances on Monday – Thursday the 16th – 19th – you should have received information as to when you child will be involved. If you are unsure, please contact your child’s teacher. Tickets go on sale today through our online store, we look forward to seeing you at the show. Both staff and children have put in a great deal of effort to bring all the various elements together.
Winter Sports
Our netball and hockey teams are coming to the end of their winter seasons and I would like to thank all those involved for the time and effort you have committed to coaching and managing the teams. It has been a very successful year with record numbers of children participating. A very big thank you goes to Monika Benkovic for her work in coordinating all of our sports here at Torbay School and a great big congratulations to the children for their efforts throughout the season.
Smart Watches
We have had an increase in the number of students bringing smart watches to school. These can cause a distraction in class in the same way mobile phones do. We treat smart watches in the same way as we do phones. Children are required to hand them in at the office each morning and collect them in the afternoon when they leave school.
Year 1 Classification date
Thank you to all those people who responded to our survey about our classification date, we had a large response that was overwhelmingly in favour of making the change. We are very pleased to announce that the classification date for our new entrant students will change to 31st March.
The change means that all children with a date of birth after March 31st will be classified as year 0 and transition to year 1 for the following year. This means that children who are born in April and May will not go through to year 2 after only six months of schooling. We believe that this will provide a longer period for children to develop fundamental skills and knowledge which will serve them well as they move through the year levels.
Torbay Challenge
Our major fundraising drive this year will be the Torbay Challenge and replaces our normal chocolate selling fundraiser. The Torbay Challenge will be a sponsored obstacle course that is being organised by our PTA. It will be held on Saturday November the 2nd and as this is the day of the Rugby World Cup Final we will be theming the day around this event. The event is a sponsored run through an obstacle course and children will be asked to collect sponsorship from friends and family to participate. Our PTA will be creating this as a fun community picnic day at school with entertainment and food available. All of the fundraising will be completed online and is managed by an external fundraising company, children will receive prizes for their fundraising efforts. We are very pleased to provide a healthy option for our fundraising activity this year and thank the PTA for their continued efforts on behalf of the school.
Thank you for your continued support of the school and all we do here at Torbay. Please do not hesitate to contact me about any issue.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Clea T Rm 5, Dylan B Rm 7, Zoe P & Anine V Rm 15, Alex C & Elijah B Rm 16, Warren S & Elsie B Rm 24 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Emily & Yoko Rm 1, Aryan & Galina Rm 2, Venus & Jack Rm 3, Vann & Codi Rm 4, Matthew & Julia Rm 5, Beaux & Madison Rm 6, Johanna & Finley Rm 7, Paige & Denham Rm 8, Alesha & Jasmine Rm 10, Shanelle & Kayla Rm 11, Owen & Mason Rm 12, Lexi & Sinoki Rm 13, Carol & Tong Tong Rm 14, Neva & Sean Rm 15, Zahra & Neve Rm 17, Luis & Jarred Rm 18, Finn & George Rm 19, Sienna & Toby M Rm 21, Kayleb & Seren Rm 22, Theo & Zane Rm 23, Oliver & Bailey Rm 24 Well done!!
Yummy Sticker Collection Sheet Certificates: Max Rm 5 & Alex Rm 21 Ka Pai guys!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th September @ 7pm in the Staffroom.
2020 ENROLMENTS: If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 next year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
2020 OUT OF ZONE ENROLMENTS: Enrolment at Torbay School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office. The Board has determined that three (3) places are likely to be available for Out of Zone Year 1 New Entrant enrolments next year.
CLOSING DATE for Year 1/New Entrant Out of Zone Applications is Wednesday 25 September 2019 and the BALLOT DATE will be Friday 18 October 2019 (if required).
PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Trustees will not consider any late out of zone applications for Year 1 New Entrant students starting in 2020 which have not been received before 25 September 2019. If you have a child who is turning 5 next year with a sibling who currently attends student Torbay School and you are considering moving out of zone, please URGENTLY contact the office
HAVE YOU GOT A SPARE FEW HOURS TO HELP? A call out to all grandparents/whānau that have time on Friday mornings 9am to 10.30am to help/listen with reading support for some of our Y3 students. If you are or know anyone that might be interested please contact Glenys Harwood at
Tickets are now on sale, via the online shop and we have a small number of over the counter sales. Due to seating and other restrictions we are only allowing 3 tickets per family so that everyone gets a chance to see their tamariki perform. If you require more than 3 tickets you must send your request via email to to be put on the wait list. It is going to be a fantastic show – full of talented students!! Thanks in advance to our amazing staff, awesome teachers and our wonderful group of supportive hard-working parents.
Front of house are needing people to assist with making fudge for selling at our production. You may come to school and work with a small group of children or make it in the comfort of your own home. We are able to supply the ingredients if needed.
We are looking forward to having you as part of the team! Please contact us via the email address below. Thank you, Melissa and Megan
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF OUR PRODUCTION TICKET COMPETITION! As part of our production the advertising team ran a competition to design a ticket. From a wonderful range of entries, we selected 6 winning entries. Congratulations to these winners who now have their designs on our production tickets.
- Naava D, Rm 18
- Brooklyn M, Rm 1
- Eden M, Rm 6
- Capri N, Rm 7
- Sadie A, Rm 7
- Izzy S & Johanna S, Rm 7
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 6 – Closing date for orders is TOMORROW Friday 6th September 2019 at 3pm. Every order helps the School get valuable resources for our Library.
In order to deliver our Waterwise programme we rely heavily on parents, grandparents and whānau to come and help instruct. Without these volunteers we would not be able to continue running Waterwise. Every year we lose parents/volunteers due to their children going on to Intermediate and therefore need to train new instructors in Term 1 and 4. This is to let you know that the Term 4 course is going to commence in Term 4 of 2019. We have available places for this upcoming course. The proposed dates are:
Theory night:
Monday 14th October 6.30pm-9pm Awatuna Scout Den at Waiake
Practical Sessions:
Wednesday 16th October 9am-3pm Waiake Beach
Thursday 17th October 9am-3pm Waiake Beach
Save day option of having the Friday 18th October in case of cancellation due to weather or needing more time on the water .
Exam Day: Saturday 19th October 8.30am – finish Waiake Beach
This course will take place at Awatuna Scout Den in Torbay and Waiake Beach. If you would like to take part in this training can you please collect a notice from the office, fill in the form and return it by the 20th September.
If you have any further questions please feel free to email
Thanks to all those families who have supported our collection of yummy stickers, which enable the school to receive free sports equipment. This year’s collection has closed and we collected over 9000’s stickers!!! Just because this year has closed, please don’t stop collecting stickers as we will get a head start on 2020.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
- MEASLES: Auckland is experiencing an unprecedented Measles outbreak. From 1 January 2019 to 5 September 2019 there have been 1051 confirmed cases of measles notified across New Zealand. 877 of these confirmed cases are in the Auckland region. If you’re feeling sick, you should stay away from work, school or public places, to help prevent putting other people at risk. If you or a family member suspect you have measles you should stay at home and call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or your doctor to alert them of your symptoms. If you have measles it is important to avoid spreading it to others in the waiting room. For more information please click here Here is a link with information about measles in Korean and a link with information about measles in Chinese
- INFLUENZA: Influenza – or the flu – is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, runny nose, a cough and stomach upset. If you think your child has the flu please consult your doctor and keep them home until they are well. For more info click here
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
LIFE EDUCATION VAN: As you may or may not know Life Education is a trust that relies heavily on donations. If you wish to donate to this cause there is Merchandise that they sell. If you want to purchase anything from the van here is a list of items they sell.
Zachary’s Space Adventures
There were three people going to be the first on the moon. They had six minutes till lift off. It took two minutes to get the space suits on. It took two minutes to get to the ship. It took one minute to climb up the ladder. We took off. The suit was big and baggy, it made me feel strong.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, lift off! The rocket shook like a giant jumping up and down in the desert. The rocket went two billion miles per hour. It was as fast as the Millenium Falcon on light speed in Star Wars. It took two light years to get there. We stopped to eat our food, it floated in the air. We were near a black hole. Our food shot out of the shuttle, it disappeared into the black hole. Finally we were near the moon. One hour till we got there. When we got there we came down with a crash. The door flipped open, it almost flew off the moon but it landed in a crater. I hopped out of the ship and said “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The whole world was watching, they were all cheering as we put the flag up. We collected moon rock. When Micheal Collins was left alone he had warm coffee as we trotted around the moon. We came back to the ship it was time for lift off, we went back to Earth. We landed in the Pacifc Ocean, we were so proud of ourselves.
By Zachary B
Room 10
We had a wonderful day and the boys played an awesome football. The Y3/4 team as well as the Y5/6 team finishing 2nd in their pool and played for the 3rd place overall. Y3/4 team won on penalties shootout and finished 3rd and Y5/6 finished 4th. The boys have very good skills and the games were a joy to watch….lucky me!!
The winter sports season is nearing an end for 2019. Our hockey and netball teams are looking forward to their last round of fun games to finish the season with. Our Y5/6 Advanced Hockey team has achieved an amazing result and finished at the top of their grade. Well done to all the players, coaches and parents who supported the team. We also congratulate all the other teams and players who improved hugely throughout the season and played to the best of their ability.
Last week Torbay School attended the 3rd and final Rippa tournament for 2019. We represented Canada as part of contributing to the promotion of the upcoming rugby world cup. We had lots of fun dressing up and definitely stood out as the best dressed school! Thank you to all the coaches and parents who were able to watch our team games.
We celebrated finishing the Y5 & 6 Netball season with a Fun Carnival afternoon yesterday, which included and afternoon tea, fun games, dress ups and a fun Teachers vs Parents game! It was enjoyed by all!
The Touch Rugby season will kick off in the 1st week of term 4. Thank you for registering and paying the fee. We are finalising the teams and will announce them shortly.
Little League, Miniball and Basketball finished their grading games and have been put into their grades. These competitions continue until the end of term 4.
Our Flippaball teams continue with their games until the end of term 3. Registrations for term 4 are now open.
Spring Netball and summer Hockey registrations are now open. We really encourage any new players who would like to give netball or hockey a go to sign up. The season is shorter (6 weeks), the weather is better and it is a great opportunity to get a ‘feel’ for the sport.
To make things easier we have changed the way how to register for sports at Torbay School. This can now be done on KINDO (our online shop) – register and pay at one spot, at the same time.
Helpful websites:,,,,
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Basketball – Torbay Tuis: Ethan D
Basketball – Torbay Kiwis: Matthew D (23 Aug), Toby B (30 Aug)
Miniball – Torbay Tornadoes: Finn M (27 Aug), Corey Z (3 Sept)
Netball- Torbay Dolphins: Player of the Day: Codi R, Sportmanship: Abby G (24 Aug), Player of the Day: Renee P Sportmanship: Anya K(31 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Sharks: Player of the Day: Loren B, Sportmanship: Kyla M (24 Aug), Player of the Day: Erin M Sportmanship: Imogen A (31 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Tuis: Player of the day: Stella M, Sportsmanship: Tally S (24 Aug), Player of the day: Ceci R, Sportsmanship: Elsie B (31 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Keas: Player of the Day: Megan J Sportmanship: Natalie K (24 Aug) Player of the Day: Ceci R Sportmanship: Tatiana B (31 Aug)
Long Bay College invites you to read the latest issue of ‘Wavelength’, the College’s newsletter. In this issue, the College celebrate the success of the Girls Rugby Team, Boys Basketball team as well as scholars, artists, actors and musicians. Find out all the latest here:
Good as New Pre Loved Kids Market – Orewa Community Centre Saturday 14 Sept 9am – 12 noon
45+ stalls over halls selling pre-loved kids; clothes, toys, books, nursery furniture, buggies and lots more
Free Admission, coffee cart, face painting, charity bake sale
Let’s all get behind recycling in Auckland
Inquiries 021 217 7904
Children travel free on weekends
Auckland Transport has an exciting opportunity for your students.
From Saturday 7 September, children under the age of 16 who have an AT HOP card will be able to travel free on Auckland Transport’s weekend services.
It’s been three years since AT Metro introduced the 99 cent fares on weekends for children that made it easier and cheaper for children to get around Auckland at the weekend.
Now, Auckland Transport is offering a 100% discount on weekend fares for children 5 to 15 (inclusive) travelling on buses, trains and participating ferries. This comes as part of the $1.1 million contribution from Auckland Council towards public transport initiatives, announced earlier this year.
Colin Homan, Group Manager of Integrated Networks says the move will make a lot of Auckland accessible for families. “We’re really excited about this initiative that will make public transport more affordable for families and our younger generations, so they can enjoy time together and explore on the weekends”.
The fare free travel is available on buses, trains and participating ferry services on weekends and during public holidays. To qualify for this fare, parents need to load a child concession on to a registered AT HOP card.
To find out more, visit: