Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
I am extremely pleased that both the Teachers and Principals collective agreements have been resolved and signed off on. The long battle for an offer from the government has been disruptive and distracting.
I would like to thank all of the members of our community that supported our campaign and supported us as professionals. We as a profession have been humbled by the public support we have received. Without that support, we would not have achieved what is a very positive outcome for education.
There is still a great deal of work to be done to ensure a healthy future for schooling in New Zealand. The NZEI has negotiated an accord with the government that includes a number of work streams that will help develop a much higher trust model and that will address the issues around workload and the complexity of the job. This work has already begun, and I look forward to the outcomes having a positive effect on our system and providing better outcomes for your children.
The NZEI is now in negotiations for the Support Staff collective. This group of people are key to our work at school. At Torbay School we are blessed with very high quality people who work as teacher aides, classroom assistants and in our admin team. They are flexible, adaptable and very talented members of our staff and turn their skills and talents to any number of different tasks during their working day. The fight for a huge shift in their pay rates is long overdue and we as a teaching staff completely support their claims and any action they may take to achieve a just outcome.
I thank you for your continued support for all we do here at school.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Paige A & Freya B Rm 2, Dar N, Lilly F, Tilly S & Finn B Rm 9, Jared B Rm 10, Alex C & Elijah B Rm 16, Ari A Rm 21, Toma B Rm 22, Brayden G & Elise B Rm 24, Rose B Rm 25 Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Chloe, Eddie, Riley, David, Blake & Tom Rm 1, Tiger, Bosco, Elsa, Dither, Freya & Paige H Rm 2, Harry, Skyla, Liam, Renee & Cole Rm 3, Basil, Kyla, Si-En, Harrison, Jamie & Nau Rm 4, Kayla, Nikita, Georgia, Cameron G, Loren, Monty & Julia Rm 5, Rosalie, Sophia, Kealan, Kevin, Ethan, Ryder & Abby Rm 6, Mirai, Harper, Bianca, Archie, Eli & Jaime Rm 7, Izzy, Bennie, Hazel & Jeremy Rm 8, India, Eli, Dar, Madison & Emilia Rm 9, Olivia, Jared, Sophia, Reef, Cooper & Wota Rm 10, Payton, Archer, Ethan G, Taylor, Milla & Xander Rm 11, Evan, Myra, Edith, Sam, Max & Harry Rm 12, Delilah, Catherine, Hanna & Jay Rm 13, Ethan S, Sophie, Tia, Hao, Hunter & Megan Rm 14, Anine, Toby G, Ruby, Violet, Travis & Jaxon Rm 15, Elijah, Harry, Xander & Alex Rm 16, Tamika, Ruby, Ryan, Eva, Cooper & Joshua Rm 17, Josh, Mia K, Aldara, Kai, Isla & Ashton Rm 18, Alexandra, Dora, Anna-Sophia, Darcy, Zachary & Kostya Rm 19, Nathan, Jonathan, Luca, Ari, Kaila & Sawyer Rm 21, Toma, Cameron, Lewis, Makaia, Emma & Caitlyn Rm 22, Zeke, Levi, Alex, Cruze, Braden & Reeve Rm 23 Brayden, Elsie, Isy Rm 24, Alyssa & Eres Rm 25 Well done!!
Yummy Sticker Collection Sheet Certificates: Emily & Sienna Rm 1, Ella Rm 3, Paige Rm 4, Eli Rm 7, Bianca & Eddie, Rm 8, Ruby W Rm 13, Ruby F Rm 15, Toby Rm 21. Ka Pai guys!
Walking School Bus Certificates: Anya Rm 4, Viggo Rm 9, Mrya Rm 12, and Kaleb Rm 22 – Well done for 50 walks!!!!
MEETINGS – The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 26th August at 9.30am in the Staffroom. The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th September @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th September @ 7.30pm – new members welcome. Please contact Megan Sadler at for venue details.
ASSEMBLY – There will be no assembly in week 8 due to the school production. The next whole school assembly will be in Term 4.
2020 ENROLMENTS: If your child or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone and who is turning 5 next year please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
2020 OUT OF ZONE ENROLMENTS: Enrolment at Torbay School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office. The Board has determined that three (3) places are likely to be available for Out of Zone Year 1 New Entrant enrolments next year.
CLOSING DATE for Year 1/New Entrant Out of Zone Applications is Wednesday 25 September 2019 and the BALLOT DATE will be Friday 18 October 2019 (if required).
PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Trustees will not consider any late out of zone applications for Year 1 New Entrant students starting in 2020 which have not been received before 25 September 2019. If you have a child who is turning 5 next year with a sibling who currently attends student Torbay School and you are considering moving out of zone, please URGENTLY contact the office
PHOTOLIFE TEAM/GROUP PHOTOS – These were taken on Wednesday and Photolife will provide shoot key codes to view the photos in 2- 3 weeks.
SCHOOL LUNCHROOM – REMINDER NOTICE The lunchroom will be closed on the 4th, 5th and 6th September, re-opening Wednesday 11th September.
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 6 – Lucky Book Club Order Forms have gone home. Closing date for orders is Friday 6th September 2019 at 3pm. Every order helps the School get valuable resources for our Library.
LIFE EDUCATION 2 – 13 SEPTEMBER: The North Shore Life Education mobile classroom is visiting our school from the 2nd September – 13th September 2019. A notice has been sent home with more information about this programme along with information about a parent information session. Please contact Renee Heasley if you have any questions,
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
- INFLUENZA: Influenza – or the flu – is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, runny nose, a cough and stomach upset. If you think your child has the flu please consult your doctor and keep them home until they are well. For more info click here
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
This week we welcome Digital Circus who are a professional development company who are supporting the school with our journey into implementing the updated digital curriculum. This part of the digital curriculum covers, Computational Thinking (which is where students are learning to break down problems, create a set of instructions or steps, trial it and then check for mistakes both digitally and ‘unplugged’) as well as Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes (which is where students are creating digital solutions to solve a problem or need. As well as understanding the role of technology in our lives and how it works).
The staff have had the support of Stephanie Mills one of the Digital Circus facilitators who has been modelling a variety of digital activities we can use in our classrooms. Staff and children have had a lot of fun during these sessions. We look forward to being inspired with the endless ideas and opportunities the digital curriculum allows us to explore and hope this sparks interest and passion among many of our children.
Some of the children enjoyed different unplugged and digital activities including programming each other to get from one spot to the other. Making up their own sets of instructions to build something or follow a path to get somewhere on a grid as well as exploring how we can use Sphero robots to design costumes for it and use them to retell stories.
Here are some photos from across the school year levels enjoying this programme:
ROOM 7 Facts about New Zealand Native Birds
ROOM 2 – Writing by Freya B and Paige A.
MATHEX 2019 It was a great afternoon with our annual Torbay Mathex. We had 40 teams of 5 compete for 1st place and the medals!! Lots of fun was had by all. Big smiles and lots of great comments about loving maths and how maths can be fun! They all showed their amazing CARE values and used all their learner powers. Our fabulous students who represented the school were our markers and they loved this opportunity.
Last week Torbay School participated in interschool winter sports tournament. Hockey, Netball, Basketball and Football teams represented our school very well, played hard and had lots of fun. Thank you to all the coaches and parents who supported our teams.
Little League, Miniball and Basketball trainings and games are in full swing. Please remember that our coaches give their time for free. Remind your children to thank them, be at the games and trainings on time and always on their best behaviour.
Our Flippaball season is entering it’s 6th week and players and coaches work really hard to learn new skills and improve their teamwork. Team Turtles is short of a player – if your child would like to join Flippaball and are confident in water, then this could be a good way to give it a go. Boy or a girl Y4, 5 or 6. Please email Monika.
Y6 Netball season is nearing an end and Torbay teams will finish with a fun carnival on the 28th of August. Y1-5 teams have 3 more games to go. All the best for the remaining games, keep up the great work and effort you put into it.
Our hockey teams have 3 games left and nearing what looks like a thrilling end of the season.
Thank you very much to everyone who registered for touch rugby. Games will start in week 1 of term 4. We will email out more information about the days and venues as soon as we have it. Otherwise, you can visit
Next Thursday (29th August) we will be taking 140 children to our 3rd Rippa Rugby day. Any support would be very much appreciated.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Basketball – Torbay Tuis: Jed W & Tamika B
Basketball – Torbay Kiwis: Naava D (9 Aug) & Reeve K (17 May)
Basketball – Torbay Kakapos: Nathan S (9 Aug), Harry O (16 Aug)
Miniball – Torbay Swish: Stella M (6 Aug), Barry E (13 Aug), Jack H (20 Aug)
Little League – Torbay Bulls: Louis R (8 Aug), Eli v D-B (15 Aug)
Flippaball – Dolphins: Claudio C & Alexandra S (11 Aug)
Flippaball – Megalodons: Zoe C-B (11 Aug)
Netball- Torbay Comets: Lily C (14 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Sharks: Player of the Day: Tayla A, Sportmanship: Teagan R (17 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Tuis: Player of the day: Edie J, Sportsmanship: Stella M (10 Aug), Player of the day: Tally S, Sportsmanship: Emily J (17 Aug)
Netball – Torbay Keas: Player of the Day: Natalie K Sportmanship: Megan J (10 Aug)
Long Bay College invites you to check out our latest Wavelength newsletter. It’s been re-designed so you can search topics in the online news space in a variety of ways. There are so many exciting things happening, so this bumper issue is packed with over 60 items. Read it here: