Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
We have had a very busy but smooth start to our term. The children have come back to school enthusiastic and ready to learn. Our staff have worked extremely hard over the break ensuring that we hit the ground running and our classrooms and programmes are rich and full of interest for the children.
We have an exciting term ahead with numerous activities across the school but in particular our school production Māui and the Story of Ra. The production will be held in week 9 of the term and I look forward to the school being filled with activity associated with it. Many of our classes will be completing work based around the story and the production. We also welcome parental involvement as there is much to be done in areas such as set design and costume that we will need assistance with.
It is fantastic to see so many parents in the school on Wednesday mornings. Our Garden to Table programme is really taking hold and our year 6 children are learning a great deal from their activities both in the garden and in the kitchen. We cannot do these sorts of activities without your support.
Another activity that requires parental support is our PMP programme. This programme develops perceptual motor skills that assist our children not only with their movement skills but also with agility in thinking. This term we have moved the programme to the morning slot and all of our year 0 and 1 children will be involved. We have also expanded the programme to five days a week to accommodate our growing roll. If you have a morning available, we would love you to come in and help. You would need to be available between 9am and 10.30am, you do not have to have a child in the Tiritiri whānau. This is a wonderfully rewarding activity to be involved in, please contact our office if you can offer some time.
A great big welcome to Kylie Wilson. Kylie has joined us in the year 0/1 Tiritiri whānau and is teaching in Room 12 alongside Susan Ye. Kylie has recently spent several years teaching in Dubai but originally comes from South Africa where she trained and started her teaching career. I am very pleased to have her on our staff. Kylie has settled in very quickly and clearly has the skills and attitude to adapt to a new teaching environment.
I would also like to welcome Ray Nixon to our full time staff. Ray has been working in the school as a relief teacher and has taken over Allanah Johnston’s year 6 class for term 3 while she is away on secondment.
Liz Oliver has joined our administration staff as our accounts administrator. Liz is a parent of the school and I am thrilled to have her on our team in such an important role.
Our Book Fair starts today, please come and visit it in the foyer and if you are looking for books for your children this is a wonderful opportunity as every purchase means that our school benefits. Please also ensure you have booked in for learning conversations on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. This is a great opportunity to explore what goes on for children each day and to discuss anything you wish with their teacher.
Congratulations to all our rippa rugby teams who performed outstandingly well on Tuesday, Miss Benkovic has reported that the smiles were wide and the behaviour of our children was outstanding. Thank you to all those that helped out.
Looking forward to a very exciting term.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Jasper B Rm 11 Awesome work!
A warm welcome to all of our new learners and their families who have joined Torbay School this term. A special welcome to our New Zealand experience learners from China, Japan and Korea. We hope you all enjoy your time at our school and in our beautiful country!
MEETINGS – The next B.O.T Meeting will be held on Wednesday 14th August @ 7pm in the Staffroom. The next PTA meeting will be held on Monday 12th August @ 7.30pm – new members welcome. Please contact Megan Sadler at for venue details. The next New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday 26th August at 9.30am in the Staffroom.
PARENT HELPER TRAINING – A reminder that Parent Helper Training will be on Tuesday 20th August at 9am in the staffroom. Under the new Health & Safety legislation all parent helpers will need to complete an initial parent helper training session and sign a Health & Safety Procedure each year. Thanks for your support in this area. Reminder -all parents who come to school during the school day 8.55-3.00 must sign in at the office.
TERM 3 LEARNING CONVERSATIONS – CELEBRATING LEARNING: We will be holding Learning Conversations Week 2 of Term 3.
Tuesday 30th July: Yr 1-3 – 2pm to 7.30pm & Yr 4-6 – 2pm to 8.30pm
Wednesday 31st July: Yr 1-6 – 3.15pm to 6.15pm
School will close at 2pm on Tuesday 30th July 2019 Please note: On both Learning Conversation days all children will be dismissed from the hall.
We will be using an internet booking system ( to book appointments. The booking code is msafn
Fun Club will be available from 2pm on Tuesday 30th July. Please contact Sandie: 021 399 626 or email to make a booking for your child. Any child/children who are unable to be collected at 2pm on Tuesday 30th July will stay in the hall with the Leadership Team.
If you do require your child to remain at school until 3pm on Tuesday 30th July then please email with your child’s name, room number and instructions on what they will do at 3pm (eg. walk home, parent collecting, catching bus, etc).
- Learners will lead the Learning Conversations
- Multiple conversations mean that there may be up to three other families in the room at one time
- Please ensure you spend some time with the teacher
- The classroom time slot is for a maximum of one hour, generally 15-30 minutes is plenty of time
- Pre-schoolers and other children are sometimes hard to manage – please leave with family or friends if possible, however, if you are unable to, we will have child minding available in the M Room (next to the Library)
MOTUIHE Y4 TEAM PRESENTS – WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY this will be held on Friday 9th August @2pm in the hall. All welcome!
PHOTOLIFE SPORT TEAMS PHOTO SHOOT – Tuesday 20th August, PhotoLife will be here to take photos of all our Torbay School Sports teams on Tuesday 20th August. Children are to bring their sports uniform to school on this day. If you are a coach or manager and wish to be in the photo please let the office know.
A reminder that if you are paying off your annual activity fees and donations – instalment 3 was due on the first day of term.
Activity fees $23 per instalment
Donation (1 child) $45 per instalment
Donation (2 children) $80 per instalment
Donation (3 children) $107.50 per instalment
Electronic statements are being sent out today showing any unpaid amounts on your account (the system automatically sends these with the email subject line of Request For Payment). This is a chance to check that our records agree with yours. Please contact if you have any queries.
Payments can be made by cash/cheque, EFTPOS, credit card (add $1) at the school office, or electronically through our online shop. This can be reached through the SHOP button on the school website’s homepage
Also a reminder that the school’s receipt policy is to only issue receipts for donations, school fees paid by cash or on request.
Below are Torbay’s School Uniform items – please ensure that students are following these requirements.
Please note:
- School bucket hats (Black or Blue) are compulsory Terms 1 and 4.
- Students are permitted to wear any tidy plain black leggings, skirts, skorts, trousers or shorts – NO denim jeans/skirts/shorts.
- Plain sensible shoes (such as sneakers or sandals) that the student can put on/take off themselves preferably black or white in colour – No boots, crocs or jandals/thongs.
- Socks are to be plain black, blue or white socks – NO long socks.
- Students can wear plain black, blue or white short sleeve thermals or singlets under their school polo in winter months.
- All uniform items are to be clearly named. Student’s name can be embroidered under the logo (or on the back of hats) in black, yellow or white cotton on school uniform. Contact the school office for further clarification.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: Don’t forget to pop on over to the Scholastic Book Fair, it runs from today until Thursday 1st August in the Office Foyer. Open during office hours – 8:30am – 3:30pm with late nights on Learning Conversation days – Tues 30th til 8.30pm and Wed 31st til 6.15pm. It’s the perfect opportunity to buy your child a book to read at home! All sales will assist our school library as Scholastic donates a percentage of all sales to our school!
SCHOLASTIC LUCKY BOOK ORDERS – ISSUE 5. Order forms have gone home. Closing date for orders is Friday 9th August at 3pm. Orders can be done online at Thank you for your support. Every order helps the school get valuable resources for our Library.
THE NED SHOW!! Wednesday 6th August at 1.30pm in our school hall. All welcome
Volunteers wanted to support the selling of yoyo’s before school 8.30am from the school foyer. 7th, 8th, 9th August. Please contact Katie Hills at if you can help.
In week 9 of this term (16th-20th September) Torbay School will be putting on a full school (Year 1-6) production. We will be telling the pūrakau (story) of Māui, the sun and Matariki. The teachers and students are really excited about this and will be working hard over the coming weeks to put on a great show for our whānau.
PTA EVENTS – DISCO WHEN I GROW UP….. I WANT TO BE…. THEME: Friday 2nd August, Juniors (Y’s 0-3) 6pm – 7pm and Seniors (Y4-6) 7.15pm – 8.30pm. Tickets can be purchased via the online shop under the PTA Fundraising tab. ENTERTAINMENT BOOK can be purchased online or via the school office for $70. See flyers below in the PTA section.
ENROLMENT AT NORTHCROSS INTERMEDIATE FOR YEAR 6 CHILDREN: A Parent Information Evening will take place on Wednesday 21st August from 6pm at Northcross Intermediate and Torbay School has been allocated Tuesday 27th August between 7.30am and 10.00am and 3.00pm to 6.00pm as their enrolment time. A notice has been sent home with the Year 6 children, giving full details of the enrolment events.
SCHOOL LUNCHROOM – The School Lunchroom is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
ENROLMENTS 2019/20 – If your child, (or someone you know has a child who lives in the Torbay School zone) and is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please urgently complete an enrolment application (available from our website or at the school office).
HEALTH ROOM REMINDERS – Please do not send any children to school who are unwell.
- VOMITING/DIARRHOEA: Any children who have had vomiting or diarrhoea must not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- HIGH TEMPERATURES: For more information about fevers Click here
- STREP THROAT: Kids who do have strep throat might get other symptoms within about 3 days, such as: Red and white patches in the throat, difficulty swallowing, headache, lower stomach pain, general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling, loss of appetite and nausea, rash. If your child is experiencing these symptoms please consult your doctor.
- HEAD LICE: Check your children for head lice as this is an ongoing problem. Children with eggs or lice will be sent home for treatment.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following dates: Thursday 1st & 22nd August and 19th September from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. Hats are not compulsory for terms 2 & 3, however, if you wish to purchase a new hat they are available at the school office for $14. We are always in need of good condition uniforms for the second hand shop, therefore, if you have some that you wish to donate, please drop them off at the office.
SCHOOL ABSENCES – Please remember to contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
You can do this by one of the following:
Phone: 473 8603 Ext 1
Skoolbag App: Download here
Website: Report an Absence form. Click here
CHESS AT TORBAY SCHOOL – Class details: This is 10 weeks chess coaching program running on Mondays from 22 July 2019 till 23 September 2019 from 3:10pm – 4:10pm. The fee will be $120/student for the term. The sessions will be held in the Multimedia room. If the program is successful a new full 10-week program will be made available for Term 4. REGISTRATION: If your child would like to be part of this please visit our website. Both registration and payment can be done online at
Having put the school holidays behind us, we have hit the ground running. On Tuesday 134 children from Torbay School took part in the 2nd North Harbour Rippa Rugby Tournament. Mother Nature was very kind to us and spoiled us with beautiful sunshine and ideal conditions for rugby. All children demonstrated our Torbay School C.A.R.E values, played very hard and displayed excellent sportsmanship and most importantly, had a smile on their face for most of the day. Our 3rd and final Rippa day this year is on Thursday 29th August (week 6) and we would welcome as much help as possible.
After a 2 week break all our hockey teams played their games on Monday night and it was great to see their commitment and improvement.
Basketball, miniball and little league teams are being finalised and the registration process is being completed. More information including the draw will be emailed once this becomes available.
Flippaball games start this Sunday. We wish all Torbay teams across all sporting codes best of luck with their games and training in term 3.
We would like to remind you that sports registration at Torbay School consists of 2 steps:
1. Filling a registration link – click the link next to the appropriate sporting code and
2. Payment via SHOP on our website.
If you have already registered your children or paid the sports fees could you please check that you have followed these 2 steps to assure that you receive up-to-date information about the training and game times.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic, our Sports Co-ordinator, or visit our website
Little League – Torbay Bulls: Jagger C (27 June) & William M (4 July)
- Rippa Day 2
- Rippa Day 2
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- Rippa Day 2
- Rippa Day 2
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- Rippa Day 2
- Rippa Day 2
- Rippa Day 2
- Hockey
- Hockey
- Hockey
- Hockey