Torbay School Learning Powers – RIC

Tēnā koutou
Yesterday 207 year 5 and 6 children departed for camp at Carey Park in West Auckland. Outdoor Education Camps, in my view, are one of the best learning experiences a student has while at school. The challenges the children face at camp and the opportunities for them to assist and help others overcome their fears are seldom mirrored anywhere else.
I want to thank Glenys Harwood and our year 5 and 6 teachers for the immense amount of work they have put in to bring this camp together. I would also like to acknowledge our admin team who have worked tirelessly over the last few weeks to process payments, organise paperwork and put together all the resources required to support your children during the three days of camp.
Similarly, next week our year 4 camp will go out to Camp Maynard, this camp is also only happening through the efforts of Katie Hills and the year 4 Team of teachers. I am sure they will have a fabulous time and once again thank all those involved for the extra work they put in to make these extra-curricular events take place.
On the 20th of March our staff will be involved in a paid union meeting in support of the teachers’ campaign for improved pay and conditions of work. We are grateful for your continued support in this process as we try to establish a step change that will help make teaching a far more attractive profession. We ask that on this day you make alternative arrangements for the care of your children and that they be collected at 12.30pm.
I constantly witness the time and effort over and above what can be reasonably expected of a teacher that our staff put in on a daily and weekly basis. This was emphasised to me when we marched up Queen Street last year. The banner that impacted me the most was “Can I please have my mother back.” This banner was being carried by the child of a teacher and for me provides the motivation to continue the fight in improving not only pay, but also conditions of work.
Great to see our Waterwise programme underway last week. Thank you to all those parents who support this programme with their valuable time and to Renee Heasley for her organisation.
Thank you to all those parents who volunteer to help out at our school. It is particularly obvious at this time of year with our extra-curricular and sports programmes getting underway. You help is very much appreciated.
My email address is
Ngā mihi nui
Gary O’Brien
KAI PAI to the following students who have shared their fantastic learning with us this week: Dean M, Louis R, Yana T & Lilly F Rm 9. Awesome work!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following tamariki who received certificates from their class teachers: Claudio & Paige Rm 2, Ethan U & Venus C Rm 3, Emil & Dewouh Rm 4, Jacob R & Amber M Rm 6, Archie B & Jaime R Rm 7, Izzy & Denham Rm 8, Lilly & Tom Rm 9, Billie F & Regardt P Rm 10, Lucy Q, Bede T, Ruby W & Jake P Rms 11 & 12, Theo & Greta Rm 15, Joel & Ella Rm 16, Ashton P & Lily T Rm 18, Millie M & Cameryn T Rm 19, Cindy & Thomas Rm 21, Brooke L & Thor Rm 22, Michael C-S & Jacob B Rm 23, Brayden & Warren Rm 24, Flynn D & Jaime S Rm 25. Well done everyone!
Paid Union Meeting- Wednesday March 20th 1.30pm – SCHOOL CLOSED FROM 12.30pm
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I would like to inform you that our staff will be involved in a Paid Union Meeting at 1.30pm on the 20th of March. As the vast majority of our staff will be attending the meeting it will be unsafe for our school to remain open for afternoon school.
We seek your support by making alternative arrangement for your children’s care on that afternoon and collecting or arranging for the collection of your children at 12.30pm.
We thank you for your continued support in our endeavour to secure a successful conclusion to this campaign. We as a profession need to regain our status and improve our terms and condition so that we attract the best people we can to teaching.
Fun Club will be open from 12.30pm on this day, if you require their services, please contact Sandy on 021 399 626
MEETINGS The next BOT meeting is Monday 25th March @ 7pm in the staffroom. The next PTA meeting is Monday 1st April @ 7.30pm – for meeting location please contact Megan Sadler at New Parent Meeting will be held on Monday, 11th March at 9.30am in staffroom.
CHANGE OF DETAILS If you have moved house or have new contact numbers, please advise the office so we can update our records. If your child has a new medical condition or older issues which have changed and are no longer a problem we need to know this too!
Information for Learning Conversations will come home soon.
2019 Goal Setting Learning Conversations
Tuesday 26 March (3.20pm to 5pm)
Wednesday 27 March (3.20pm to 6.30pm)
Thursday 28 March (3.20pm to 5pm)
These discussions are attended by both parents and the student. Appointments for Goal Setting are 10 minutes. Please make an appointment for you and your learner to meet with the classroom teacher once you receive this information.
On Friday 1 March 2019 we were required to complete our Roll Return for the Ministry of Education. Please note that if your child was absent from school that day we require a note or email to the school office with an explanation.
Y5 & 6 CAMP
Our Y5 & 6 teams are on camp this week. A huge thanks to all of our parents who have volunteered to help out on camp. Due to Health & Safety Regulations there will be no opportunity for parents or families to visit.
Y4 CAMP Year 4’s are heading to camp next week and we are getting extremely excited! Please make sure all forms are returned ASAP.
As swimming is a compulsory part of the New Zealand Curriculum, all learners are expected to swim on their classroom swim days. If you are unsure which day your child(ren) swim, please ask their teacher. Please note: All learners with open sores are unable to use the swimming pool. No wounds with dressings and/or plasters are permitted in the pool.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP – The shop will be open to purchase second hand uniforms on the following Wednesday’s: 20th March & 3rd April from 8:30am-8:55am and 3pm—3.30pm just inside the hall by the office. If you have any good condition uniforms you wish to donate, please bring them to the school office.
WHEELS DAY Wheels day is on for all Y1-4 learners on Friday. Wheels day includes all wheels ie Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades, NO BIKES PLEASE.
Before and after school is a busy time for everyone. Parking rules help protect our children and keep them safe and drivers who park illegally put our kids at risk. Please helps us to keep them safe and respect our neighbours by parking at least a metre from their driveways.
This term parking officers will be on patrol outside our school to issue tickets to those who are illegally parked.
Please do not send any children to school who are unwell or have a fever. Learners must be clear of vomiting/diarrhoea for 24 hours before they are permitted back to school.
NITS – There is an on-going infestation of nits. Please check your children daily for Head Lice and treat where necessary.
Flippaball, Little League, Miniball and Basketball are well on their way. Thank you to all the parents and players for being on time for their games and training’s.
Hockey information letter was sent home yesterday and the registration link is open on our website: – hockey – click on the link to register, click SHOP to pay. Winter hockey is open to Year 3, 4 ,5 and 6 children. Give it a go!
Children from years 2-6 can participate in winter netball. The deadline for netball registrations has passed, however we only had two year 2 children enroll and need a few more children in all other year levels. This would allow for each team to have sufficient amount of players available for substitution. For that reason the registration link on our website is still open. The netball court resurfacing has begun and trials will go ahead on the 12th and 19th of March.
Thank you again to all the people who give up their time to support children in their sporting activities. It is very much appreciated.
If you need any help regarding sports at Torbay School please contact Monika Benkovic,, Sports Co-ordinator or visit our website
Torbay Sea Eagles – Harrison L & Jamie N
Music Lessons at Torbay School, Gloria Arboleda and Phil Moore from MusiqHub will be holding a HAVE A GO! session for students and parents on Monday 11th March. This a great a opportunity to find out about music lessons at your school, meet the teacher, try the instruments and discuss the details of the MusiqHub program on offer at Torbay School.
Disclaimer: The following advertisements are placed as a community service – publication does not imply Torbay School endorsement.